Originally Posted by
Saz Hale
Arabella-Marie half smiled at Alexa who looked upset and said to her "You sad about going home Alexa"
Lex almost didn't hear the girl speaking to her. She cast a glance in her direction before sighing heavily.
"Nah, I don't mind going home...it's just...Vivi's graduating and so are the other 7th years...I'm gonna miss you guys..." Some more than others, but whatever.
Originally Posted by
Oh! And there was Gideon, who got a wave, as did Jake, Alexa, and Arabella. She had almost missed them due to the presence of a ghost that she thought would be forever trapped inside an Egyptian brooch.
Lex began idly fumbling with the blue tie she held in her hands. It still needed to be returned to it's rightful owner but she couldn't quite bring herself to go to the Claw table. Her attention shifted from the tie when she heard the voice of her Prefect.
She thought their relationship to be a bit odd...one minute they were okay and the next they were arguing but now...she didn't know what to think. There was no doubt that she'd miss the girl but she wasn't sure how she felt about her leaving; it wasn't as clearly defined as how she felt about Vivi going off into the world.
"Kurumi..." She tried getting the girl's attention though she seemed busy enough with everyone else. Maybe she should just speak and hope she heard....
"I'm really glad I had you for a prefect...even if it was only for a term..." She would very much understand if the girl didn't feel the same way about having her in her house though...
Originally Posted by
Nearly Headless Nick
Floating towards the young first year Sir Nicholas gazed at her thoughtfully. "Good evening, Alexa. Is something troubling you?" The 11 year old was usually so full of life and energy but not at the moment. She looked sad.
She was more than a little surprized when the ghost actually floated over and bothered to find out if she was alright. She nodded slowly, her gaze falling to the ground.
"They're all leaving me..." That was all she could bring herself to say before she went silent again. This was why she should have stuck to her original idea. At the start of the term she hated older students, she should have kept it that way. Now that she liked them she found it hard to watch them go. It just didn't seem fair...