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Old 12-03-2012, 09:02 PM   #17 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

Holmesian Feline's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Baker Street
Posts: 30,281

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Originally Posted by Syd View Post
"Mixed feelings" didn't seem like enough to describe what Jake was feeling as he walked down to the closing feast. His first year at Hogwarts was almost over. He'd survived. Which, apparently, was a feat to be proud of. He'd made the Quidditch team, and he'd done well in his classes. He'd even made a few friends. While making a few not-so-friends in the process.

But the closing feast meant summer vacation. That meant going home to where he had nobody. Speaking to Anya and Penelope only by phone. Not seeing them every day. No flying. No magic. For two months.

His head down, Jake entered the Great Hall. He made his way to the Gryffindor table, not really paying attention to much. When he reached the table, though, he looked up. And instantly a familiar head of red hair caught his attention. Without really thinking, he broke into a jog and hurried toward her, sliding across the bench a little and wrapping both of his arms around her in a hug that she had no choice but to be a part of.

"HeyCap," he mumbled with a squeeze.

Gideon wasn't expecting the running lion before him, but suddenly Jake had slipped between him and Selina and giving the redhead a hug. He almost bit back a chuckle at the antics but let the laughter go. These were the fun things he would miss but tonight he was going to live them up as best he could. Make more memories to tide himself over for however long it took before more.

"Do behave Keller when I'm gone..." he said said with a smirk as he teased the fourth year. Jake would be an upperclassman officially next term and he'd need to step up as one of the older, more responsible lions to set an example for the younger ones.

SPOILER!!: Sir Nicholas
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick View Post
Sir Nicholas floated up through the Gryffindor house table to float near the Gryffindor Captain Selina. "Good evening lions!" he boomed out with a warm smile. It was going to be a good feast. He could feel it in the air.

Gideon sat down on the nearest bench yet turned as Sir Nicholas approached the table greeting them all. It sure was nice to see the Gryffindor House Ghost back and seemingly alright as a ghost can be after the incident with the locket. "Good evening, Sir Nicholas," he greeted with a smile. "Welcome back." The ghost was one thing he would likely never see again seeing as it wasn't like he went outside Hogwarts and the seventh year wasn't exactly planning on ever being inside the castle after tomorrow.

SPOILER!!: Bentley
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Instead of making her way up to the dais, as she usually did, Seren made her way over to the Gryffindor table. Partly to see that everything was in order and that they hadn't gotten up to any trouble in the short time frame they had been unleashed upon the great hall, and partly because she wanted to see a few of the faces properly, for the last time at Hogwarts.

"How are we all? Excited? Nervous? Packed?"... or were they the last minute type of people too.

And then Professor Bentley showed up and Gideon remembered he had left the gift for her in the common room. Inward groan though he made a note to slip it to her before the end of feast. "Good evening, Professor Bentley," he greeted, his controlling starting to falter slightly.

"Nervous...definitely," Gideon admitted answering her question posed to them all. Forget bravery at times, there were just things that were bound to set people on edge. "And mostly packed."

SPOILER!!: Kurumi
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi had told Selina to go on ahead without her while she hung back in the dorms with Walnut. It wasn't that she didn't want to keep with tradition and head down to the feast together - at least as far as the moving staircases - but she just had wanted a moment alone to sit and reflect and take everything in without any distractions. It was surreal knowing that this would be her last night at Hogwarts and that once she got off the train the next morning she wouldn't be a Hogwarts student but a graduate. A graduate that didn't have the safety net of the castle to fall back on but the future to step in to.

It was....surreal. Humbling. Hard to swallow.

She had eventually come down after several minutes of just sitting on her bed and looking around and now she stood at the entrance to the Great Hall where she could already hear the voices of her fellow students chit chatting away. Surprisingly, she found herself smiling instead of forcing herself to like she thought she would. Just being here. Feeling the energy. The synergy. Feeling Hogwarts was enough to do that.

Taking a deep breath, Kurumi stepped fully into the Great Hall and made her way towards the Gryffindor table while idly playing with her bracelet. She spotted Selina and would have slipped immediately into the seat beside her when she notice, "Sir Nicholas! Welcome back," she chirped, bowing towards the ghost. How had he gotten out of the brooch? In fact, wasn't that the Bloody Baron over at the staff table?! How...when....why... Kurumi was just glad to see that he was alright.

He was alright, right?

Oh! And there was Gideon, who got a wave, as did Jake, Alexa, and Arabella. She had almost missed them due to the presence of a ghost that she thought would be forever trapped inside an Egyptian brooch.

Kurumi then saw Professor Bentley, looking very lovely with all those flowers in her hair, and her palms became sweaty. She hadn't expected to see her Head of House so early in the evening and, to be entirely honest, she wasn't ready to hand over the letter she had written the Herbology professor. Not yet. Not to any of the professors and those close friends. Not that Kurumi was sure she would ever really be ready. And then there was the simple question of 'How are we all?' Usually a simple fine or good would be the first thing out of the seventh year's mouth...but not now. There really was no ONE way to answer that question. Kurumi was feeling everything and yet nothing at once. "Overwhelmed," she murmured in replied without really realizing that she had spoken. "I-I-I-I mean..." Only Kurumi really didn't know what she meant.

Oh! She was forgetting something! Well, not forgetting, but just delaying something and right now it seemed like the best sort of thing to. Squeaking softly, Kurumi retrieved a box from within her robes and tapped the lid with her wand to banish it. Another swish and flick later and the Gryffindor table had a perimeter of dancing house cookies - Kurumi's signature since the end of term feast her first year. With a nostalgic smile on her lips, Kurumi slipped into the seat beside Selina and laughed softly.

The third and final student leader chose that time to make her appearance in the Great Hall and Gideon offered her a friendly smile as she looked around. The girl looked like it was likely she was doing the exact thing he had been doing just a short time before when he had entered...trying to take it all in and make a mental picture one last time.

He waved back as his fellow prefect and departing Gryffindor. At least there was someone he knew and was friends with that had any clue what this night was truly like. The thoughts of leaving it all and the friendships that would change. When she answered Bentley, he couldn't help but nod at the simple word she gave in response. Overwhelmed worked too. At least she didn't fail in the keeping up appearances department, the cookie maker unleashing fresh-baked house cookies for all as always.

That was Kurumi.

SPOILER!!: Penelope
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
So. The End of Term Feast.

Penelope had a lot of mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it was good because it meant the term was over and she would get to finally see Ascanius again. On the other hand, it meant she'd have to deal with her grandparents and such for two months again, and it meant that the seventh years were leaving and she wouldn't see them next term. And it meant two months of not seeing her friends every day. She'd make it work and make sure she got to see them at least a little bit, but it wasn't as easy as walking across the common room to talk to them now. And it would never be that easy again for the seventh years who were graduating.

And yet, Penelope did still think she was looking forward to when it was her time to do that. Because it meant she'd be an adult and she would be able to completely take care of herself and live where she wanted, even if it meant she'd also have to leave the only home she'd ever known.

But she still had several years until then, so no need to think about it now. Right now, it was time to focus on the ones who actually were seventh years.

And as she scanned the Gryffindor table, the first one she spotted was Kurumi. And then Gideon. She had something for both of them - it really wasn't much, but it was the only thing she could think of, especially for Kurumi. She just hoped they were good enough because this was definitely not her thing.

The second-almost-third year sent a small smile to the others she saw at the table and walked over to Kurumi first, holding out one of the small boxes she held in her hands and surprisingly ignoring the dancing Gryffindor cookies for the moment. "This is for you," she said before shifting over a few places and handing the second box out to Gideon. "And this one's for you. I hope you guys like them..." In the boxes, they would find a batch of simple sugar cookies that Penelope had made. It had taken a few tries to get them looking decent enough since she kept burning them, and they'd kept tasting weird because she'd mess up one of the ingredients, but eventually she succeeded at making them decently, so there they were. It seemed like a good gift to her, since Kurumi was always making cookies for other people (and Penelope was not ashamed to admit she was one of them) so someone ought to try making some for her for a change, yeah? And surely Gideon liked cookies too, right? So it seemed an acceptable graduation gift to her...assuming they liked them...

Gideon had let his mind wander as he starred at the table for a few moments, trying to keep himself from being anything but positive for the feast. There was no point in dwelling on anything else. It was for this reason with his thoughts distracted that he hadn't noticed the seeker until she was right up beside him and offering a white box for him to take. He took a quick peek before offering her a smile in return.

"Aye...I'm sure I will. Even better as they are a gift." Something he hadn't been expecting at all and he was touched. Keep it together there, Gert, he mentally berated himself. Gideon just knew it was going to be a long twenty-four hours. "Thanks Penelope," he added truly grateful for the gesture.
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