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Old 12-03-2012, 03:44 PM   #13 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Caiden Denholm
Fifth Year
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Default and Professor Bentley~
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.

SPOILER!!: Kurumi

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi had told Selina to go on ahead without her while she hung back in the dorms with Walnut. It wasn't that she didn't want to keep with tradition and head down to the feast together - at least as far as the moving staircases - but she just had wanted a moment alone to sit and reflect and take everything in without any distractions. It was surreal knowing that this would be her last night at Hogwarts and that once she got off the train the next morning she wouldn't be a Hogwarts student but a graduate. A graduate that didn't have the safety net of the castle to fall back on but the future to step in to.

It was....surreal. Humbling. Hard to swallow.

She had eventually come down after several minutes of just sitting on her bed and looking around and now she stood at the entrance to the Great Hall where she could already hear the voices of her fellow students chit chatting away. Surprisingly, she found herself smiling instead of forcing herself to like she thought she would. Just being here. Feeling the energy. The synergy. Feeling Hogwarts was enough to do that.

Taking a deep breath, Kurumi stepped fully into the Great Hall and made her way towards the Gryffindor table while idly playing with her bracelet. She spotted Selina and would have slipped immediately into the seat beside her when she notice, "Sir Nicholas! Welcome back," she chirped, bowing towards the ghost. How had he gotten out of the brooch? In fact, wasn't that the Bloody Baron over at the staff table?! How...when....why... Kurumi was just glad to see that he was alright.

He was alright, right?

Oh! And there was Gideon, who got a wave, as did Jake, Alexa, and Arabella. She had almost missed them due to the presence of a ghost that she thought would be forever trapped inside an Egyptian brooch.

Kurumi then saw Professor Bentley, looking very lovely with all those flowers in her hair, and her palms became sweaty. She hadn't expected to see her Head of House so early in the evening and, to be entirely honest, she wasn't ready to hand over the letter she had written the Herbology professor. Not yet. Not to any of the professors and those close friends. Not that Kurumi was sure she would ever really be ready. And then there was the simple question of 'How are we all?' Usually a simple fine or good would be the first thing out of the seventh year's mouth...but not now. There really was no ONE way to answer that question. Kurumi was feeling everything and yet nothing at once. "Overwhelmed," she murmured in replied without really realizing that she had spoken. "I-I-I-I mean..." Only Kurumi really didn't know what she meant.

Oh! She was forgetting something! Well, not forgetting, but just delaying something and right now it seemed like the best sort of thing to. Squeaking softly, Kurumi retrieved a box from within her robes and tapped the lid with her wand to banish it. Another swish and flick later and the Gryffindor table had a perimeter of dancing house cookies - Kurumi's signature since the end of term feast her first year. With a nostalgic smile on her lips, Kurumi slipped into the seat beside Selina and laughed softly.

Daichi had felt like a stalker when he had been watching the doors of the Great Hall from the Slytherin table. But he couldn't help it. He wanted to see his big sister one last time so badly. It took some time but finally he saw the Prefect enter the hall and going to the Lions table.

The Snake immediately jumped up from the bench and took a deep breath. But instead of walking to the Gryffindor section, he flicked his wrist and his phoenix feather wand fell out of the holster he was wearing. He cleared his throat as he tried to remember the incantation he had seen in a spell book during studying for his OWLS and smiled when he remembered it.

He waved his wand quietly as to not draw attention to himself and whispered the "Incarcerous!" charm. He hadn't aimed at anyone nor Kurumi but just the ground. The spell failed though as he only produced some random sparks and Daichi sighed because he knew it would happen. "Incarcerous!" he tried again though nothing happened. "Incarcerous! Incarcerous!"

This time, a piece of rope fell on the floor and the fifth year squealed with excitement. He picked it up and wrapped one half around his arm, tightened it and as he walked to the Gryffindors the other end of the rope was dangling behind him. Hopefully no one tripped on it....

Spotting the prefect near Professor Bentley, he quietly made his way towards her until he stood next to her. Without saying anything, he grabbed her arm though not hurting her of course, and quickly wrapped the other end of the rope around her arm so that they were...tied together~!

"Now you caaaan't leave~! " he said and tried his evil laugh that sounded more like a highpitched dolphin. "You'll stick with me until i graduate~!" he smiled brightly as it radiated of his face.

"Oh! Professor Bentley!" he suddenly turned to the Herbology Professor. "Your hair looks really pretty with those flowers!"
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