Feel free to grab her. :D <--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
So term was over. Her third year was coming to a close. It was pretty bittersweet for her. She was looking forward to going home, but she wondered if her parents were going to be proud of the work she had done this term. She had omproved by leaps and bounds this year, but was that going to be enough for them?
Her mind went back to the yelling and screaming that took place after her second year here. She had let them down and she was ashamed of that. She was in the top five in her house and that should count for something. Surely they couldn't expect her to be #1. There were seventh years here that she was competing with you know!
Before she knew it she was at her house table. She looked around and didn't really see many people there. She seen her prefect and the girl that she had partnered up with in Muggle Studies. She couldn't remember her name though. She decided to take a seat a few places down from them. She sat down and thought about the year and all that she accomplished!