Originally Posted by The Bunz
The Baron likely had his reasons for being there, and he wouldn't bug her with questions about her students/plants/husband/children/Henry/etc. the way a ghost of Marion would.
Er, may she rest in peace.
And in two sentences, we have all the personality summary we will ever need of Bunz. PERFECTION.
But just in case we needed it, we get this:
Originally Posted by MOAR BUNZ
Annie was only half-finished with her second cupcake by the time the Quidditch Cup was finally presented, but she stuffed the rest of it into her mouth anyway. What, no one was watching her. It wasn't like her mother was around anymore to nag her about table manners and all that jazz.
Heimlich... Heimlich... she was going to need help, because she felt like she was chok--- oh nope, the cupcake went down just fine. The Headmistress swallowed and shook her head at Vindictus. Silly man.