Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Sierra Greingoth frowned as she made her way into the Great Hall. Third place?! At least they hadn't been dead last again, but...third place was just about dead last. House Cup, Quidditch Cup, Gobstones Cup--all won by the other houses. She sighed and blew her bangs upward. At least she'd given it her all. She could walk away with at least that.
She slid into her seat and tried not to think about the fact that the Great Hall would soon be decorated in blue and bronze. "Logan," she said, giving her teammate a nod of her head. There weren't very many people here yet. Maybe they were all still off somewhere...celebrating their wins.
Healer Tillstorm slowly made her way to the Great Hall for the end of term feast. She really wasn't in any hurry for the night to end. The end of the night just meant tomorrow was the start of summer. A summer she had no plans for, and even if she had plans, she had no one to spend them with. Sure, she would be going home to visit her family but other than that, nothing.
As she made her way through the doors of the Great Hall she looked around. Not many students or staff had shown up yet. In fact, she didn't see any staff members there yet. The only one she seen sitting at the staff table was the Bloody Baron. What was he doing there? Eh, she'd find that out later.
Scanning the Slytherin table she found her favorite prefect. Perfect. She had been hoping to talk to the girl before term ended.
"Hello Sierra. Mind if I sit with you for a moment?" She wouldn't take up too much of the girls time. She was sure Sierra would rather spend her time tonight with her friends than she would with the school healer.