MO Erkling
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Anna Keller | Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina walked down to the Great Hall in her black and red robes with a certain level of disbelief. It was over. The year and so many other things. It meant that Vivi was graduating and Gideon and, this one was the hardest, Kurumi was too. There had not been one part of her entire experience here that Kurumi had not touched and now she was going to be graduating. The sixth year herself did not know what the summer was going to bring about, but no matter what happened to Selina's future- Kurumi was definitely going in a different direction then her own. And she was not sure how she felt about that. It had been them against the world for SIX years. No more.
And then there was Vivi. She had only known the girl for a year, but it did not change the fact that the blonde had changed her life for good. The sixth year had found a true companion in Vivi. They had been partners in crime and experienced so many things together. She was the Sherlock to her Watson. The adventure was over now. Just like Kurumi, they would stay friends but nothing would ever be the same.
And Gideon. He was leaving too. Even though they had broken up, he had been a huge part of her Hogwarts experience. When she looked back at this part of her life he was not just going to be a nameless face. It would be vivid and real what they shared. And even though that part of their relationship was done, he had been a part of her life and she would miss him too.
Catching her breath, she took a seat at the Gryffindor House Table. Now all they could do was wait. Her blue eyes flickered up to the staff table for a moment and she saw the two empty professor seats. This year had been such a weird one. And a sad one. And a happy one. It was a happy/sad year. And Selina was afraid for it to end because that meant she would have to face everything that was heading her way. And she was not sure she was ready just yet. "Mixed feelings" didn't seem like enough to describe what Jake was feeling as he walked down to the closing feast. His first year at Hogwarts was almost over. He'd survived. Which, apparently, was a feat to be proud of. He'd made the Quidditch team, and he'd done well in his classes. He'd even made a few friends. While making a few not-so-friends in the process.
But the closing feast meant summer vacation. That meant going home to where he had nobody. Speaking to Anya and Penelope only by phone. Not seeing them every day. No flying. No magic. For two months.
His head down, Jake entered the Great Hall. He made his way to the Gryffindor table, not really paying attention to much. When he reached the table, though, he looked up. And instantly a familiar head of red hair caught his attention. Without really thinking, he broke into a jog and hurried toward her, sliding across the bench a little and wrapping both of his arms around her in a hug that she had no choice but to be a part of. "HeyCap," he mumbled with a squeeze. |