SPOILER!!: Minerva
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Minerva blushed at his words, "I was so nervous, I thought I was going to be sick. Plus I was rusty, I could have done better. I let the bludger hit Ella. that was just no good." Minerva frowned and looked down, she was mad at herself for letting that happen. She then felt herself want to say awww as he admitted being nervous, "I don't want you to be nervous and worry about me. I'm fine.. see." She gave a weak smile and then let it fall a bit, "To be honest, my head is killing me. Everything is a bit loud at the moment, but I'll deal with it. I want to be here." She then liked the sound of his next words, "If you could spare some of that potion I would be very grateful." Anything to stop this pounding.
Minerva listened as he spoke about her announcing and her playing, she grinned a little. "I don't know what I'll do, but that's next term. Let's get through the end of the term and have some fun this summer." Yes she was ready for some fun and relaxing this summer. She was nervous what that meant with seeing Ethan, but it will be nice to have a break. She watched as Ethan went to get them food, she wasn't sure if eating would make her sick form her head hurting or not, but she had to try. When he kissed her cheek she smiled, this was nice to have someone that cared so much. When he came back with the cupcakes she took one, "Thank you.. Ethan you are just wonderful." She couldn't help saying it, but she could see how much he cared and how much he wanted to help her.
Ethan smiled at Minerva's modesty. She really was a good player.. he could see that even through his anxiety.. and obviously the rest of the team thought so as well or they wouldn't have asked her to play in the Championship - especially when she wasn't even formally on the team this year. His smile turned a bit sympathetic at the mention of Ella. Yes, he saw that bludger.. never had he been so focused on them as a spectator before.. and he saw how upset Harvey had been until the girl seemed to recover quickly. But it wasn't Minnie's fault that her teammate had been hit.
"You can't blame yourself for that, Min.. It's just part of the game.." The whole reason the bludgers were there.. though he didn't really care for the injury part of it, especially when she was the one injured.
He then gave her a tentative smile.
"Yes.. you look like you're okay.." he started to agree.. though he wasn't completely convinced. The boy did witness her nasty fall.. and he wasn't surprised she had a headache.
"Of course.. I'll run up and get it when we go back to the castle. I'm sure you want to have a little fun and celebrate for now.. if you're up to it," he added as she seemed to be trying to have a good time even if he could tell she was in pain.
"Congratulations by the way," he said with a genuine smile.. and he was truly happy that her team won and she got to be a part of it.. though he probably wouldn't be quick to admit it as his own team lost.
"Yeah.. that sounds like a good idea." Term was almost over, thankfully.. which also meant classes and exams would soon come to an end. And he couldn't wait to just have some fun without the worry about his academic life.
"I'm looking forward to summer.. you too?" he grinned back at her. He still wasn't sure exactly where summer would take him with things up in the air, but he planned on making it a point to still see Minnie as much as he could.. and hoped she felt the same. Which was why he was happy about the owl he received last weekend.. but he could wait a few more days to give that to her.. Now it was time to enjoy the party. And wonderful?
"Oh.. I don't know about that.. not anything I wouldn't normally do.." he said, looking down and blushing slightly as he was prone to do when she would grace him with such a compliment.
SPOILER!!: Harvey
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He looked over as someone called to him and saw it was Ethan.. heeyyyy it was Ethan.. told you he would be there soon Mins! Aha! he was right! "Good to see you too Ethan, it was nice sitting with you too!" he smiled and nodded "Well we can finally say the puffs have beaten the claws." he smiled and then leaned in close to Ethan "I just hope we dont have to do what the girls tells us to do, oh no.. dont get me wrong I mean I would love to anything she tells me.. but you never know what crazy tasks these girls might come up with" he chuckled as he moved back to his normal position and just smiled at Minnie.. noo.. he was not saying anything to Ethan.
As Minnie spoke to her teammates, Ethan turned to Harvey again and nodded. Yep, the Puffs took down the Claws in Quidditch, but..
"We still have the House Cup.." he told his housemate with a wink. Hopefully they'd still keep their lead over the Badgers, because they were quickly gaining on them.
When the boy leaned closer, Ethan raised an eyebrow then chuckled at his words. Crazy tasks?
"Err.. do you speak from experience, Harvs?" he asked matching the same low voice. Because so far Minnie hadn't asked him to do anything too strange, though he'd be hard-pressed to refuse her anything anyway.. but he vaguely wondered what was going on in Harvey's world with his own girlfriend.
SPOILER!!: Bentley
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"They did indeed, it was a great result for a Campionship Match, couldn't have been more exciting." ... Unless they introduced pixies or dragons to the pitch, because that would have been MORE interesting to an extent.
"I've been... well. And yourself? Looking forward to the holidays?"
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She smiled at the Professors words, very happy at how well the match went. "I was just excited to get to be part of the final match. Just being in it was worth everything." It was nice to play with the team even if she wasn't as great as the rest of them. A
A concerned look crossed her face, she knew Professor Bentley had to be still upset over the events that had happened. She looking a bit nervous not sure how to word what she wanted to say, "Professor, I know Ethan and I tried to help the best we could that day in the.. umm greenhouse, but if you need any other help I would gladly come help you." Then she smiled a bit, "Yes a break will be nice after this term. Will you be doing anything fun?" She wasn't sure if she should ask a professor that or not, but the Professor didn't have to tell her if she didn't want to.
Ethan turned back to Minnie at the sound of his name. Oh she was talking to Professor Bentley now..
"Hi, Professor.." he said giving her a small smile. After what happened in the greenhouse, he was glad she seemed to be enjoying herself at the party. He could only imagine what she must have been feeling.. his loss wasn't nearly as great as hers.
With a quick glance at Minnie upon hearing her words, he looked back at Bentley and nodded.
"That goes for me too, Professor.. Anything you need, I'm willing to help." And maybe it would be too late this term as it was about to come to an end.. but he would be more than happy to help her rebuild things at the beginning of next term if need be. And maybe also show her some of the notes he made on his hybrids to see if she could point him in the right direction.. then maybe all his work wouldn't be completely lost, in a way..