Thread: The Juice Bar
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Old 12-02-2012, 04:23 PM   #55 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by TSnitch View Post
Esme seemed to have help here. She walked over to her and said,"I'm gonna do a walk through of the cafeteria, if anyone has any questions, send me a patronus. I'll be back in a minute." With that Dacs looked around and started moving around.

OOC: I'm expanding the evidence collection to the Main Buffet, anyone who wants to join Dacs is very welcome.
Esme glanced over as Dacs approached her. Walk through of the it. "Sure thing." She stated, letting her know that she had gotten the message loud and clear. They shouldn't have any problems, but you never know what one could run into, especially when zombies were running amok....

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post

Melissa quickly nodded. "Glad to be of help, Esme. Okay we'll first concentrate on collecting samples from here. I'll go start now.". She lifted her hand to her head in a mock salute before belatedly realizing that she was holding the petri dishes in them. One of them hit her on the side of the head and she almost dropped all of them in the process.

She quickly grabbed them before they fell to the floor and in the process almost dropped the tweezers and droppers that she was holding in her other hand. Juggling to hold onto everything in both hands she took a quick look around to see whether anyone had witnessed her circus act. She hoped no one had.

Walking over to the nearest table, she gently placed the Petri dishes on it. Now at least she had one hand was free. She peered down at the table to see whether there was food scraps or drink spillage on it. But she didn't see any. She decided to walk over to the bar counter. That would most likely be the place where she would find liquid samples. Using her hand to gently slide the Petri dishes back into her free one, she walked over to the counter and placed them on it before she started examining it.

She leaned down, her nose almost touching the counter as she scanned for evidence and then she saw it. A small patch of liquid substance on the counter. She quickly picked up a Petri dish and removed the lid. Then she placed a dropper into the liquid and gently squeezed the bulb end of it and released it, allowing the suction to suck the liquid up into the dropper. She slowly transferred the liquid into the Petri dish by placing the end of the dropper over the dish and slowly squeezed the liquid into it.

Placing the dropper aside, she picked up the lid and placed it carefully over the dish, making sure that it was securely fastened. Digging in her pocket, she found a pen and began to write on the label. What is it: Liquid substance. Unknown origin. Where it was found: Bar Counter. State it was found in: Not Frozen. Was she missing anything out? Melissa wondered whether she was supposed to identify what the liquid substance was.

Should she sniff or taste it? No that would be insane...or was it? Maybe that was what Esme had meant about her being a brave soul. She was expected to test each sample. 'No she wouldn't expect us to do that...or does she?,'Melissa thought to herself. While she was debating whether she was brave soul or not, Melissa picked up the dropper she had earlier discarded and looked at it.

An idea popped into her head. If she was able to identify it just from its color, maybe she wouldn't have to taste or sniff it. She studied the little droplets inside the dropper. It was brown in color. Melissa decided that the only liquid that was that color was coffee.... unless they served Coke in this place. Melissa turned back to counter from where she had found the liquid. She touched the stains left behind on the counter to see whether it had a sticky residue. If it was Coke, the syrup in it would be sticky. If it was coffee, it wouldn't leave a sticky residue.

The stain wasn't sticky. Melissa returned to the petri-dish containing her sample and cancelled out the word unknown to coffee. Now onto finding the next sample.

The Juicer that made the juice.
Blinking rapidly a few times as Melissa gave her a quick salute, and then proceeded to juggle the petri dishes and other supplies around, Esme took a step back, hiding the smile that threatened. At least she had been successful in not dropping/contaminating anything.

Turning her head so as not to embarrass the woman, Esme set to sweeping the area, trying to figure out where to start. She supposed the counter was the area to begin, and Melissa seemed to have the same idea.

For a few moments, she watched the woman collect the evidence of a liquid on the counter, and then label it. Not bad at all.

Setting a petri dish on the counter, Esme walked around to the backside, walking all the way to one end. Here she would begin.

Upon placing her bag in a safe spot, she ensured that her gloves were on properly. Plenty of work to be done here...lots of food samples sitting back here.
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