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Minerva had gotten lost in her thoughts again when she heard another voice. Looking up she smiled weakly at Ethan. "It was a great game. Everyone played so well." She moved over hoping he would sit down. She didn't want him to worry, so she tried to hide the pain she was in from her head. "I felt a bit rusty, but I still had fun." Well fun until that Braxnton and her minion decided to try and end Min's flying early.
She noticed his face full of worry, oh that's not what she wanted to see. "Ethan, I'll be fine. I'm here, I'm moving around.. I'll be good, promise." Decided to tell him a little secret she leaned in, "You know I had a blast, but I kind of missed having the mic.. I don't know what I'll do next term. I loved playing today and it made me think about being on the team again, but announcing is so fun. I just don't know." She looked around the tent, "Are you hungry? Do you want to get a cupcake or something?"
Ethan smiled just a little brighter. Maybe she wasn't hurt as badly as he had thought.. which was quite a relief for him, though he was still going to keep an eye on her just to make sure.
"It was pretty exciting.." he agreed with a nod.
"And you played really well too.. I was glad to be able to see you play." The boy paused, taking a deep breath before adding,
"Even though I have to admit I was a little worried." Okay, a lot worried.. but he didn't want her to think he didn't have a good time because he was so anxious.. he did have a good time in spite of it.
His smile lowered just slightly at Minerva's words and he nodded gently.
"If you're sure.." he started, not quite believing she was perfectly okay.. though she was right. She was up and moving around, at least she wasn't unconscious..
"How's your head?" That had to be hurting after her collision.
"I do have some headache potion in the dorm if you need it.."
He looked into her blue eyes as she leaned a little closer and he smiled over to her.
"I do like sitting with you in the stands and I think you do a great job commentating.." he began, then sighed a little.
"But you're pretty amazing with the beater's bat too.. I know you enjoy playing," he added with a smile. Just the worry got to him.. but he didn't want that to deter her from playing if that was what she wanted to do.
"Umm.. sure," he said, glancing over at the table laden with treats. When wasn't he hungry? Haha..
"I'll get us some cupcakes.. you just sit and rest," he said, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek as he rose from his seat.
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He smiled and nodded "Yes I did sit with him, well he WAS worried.. you did take quite a beating. He will be happy to see you here, instead of inside nursing bad injuries" he saw her bite her lip.. was that where Ella got her lip biting from? Picking it up from Minnie? Anyways he smiled "Yeah we had loads of fun.. if you dont count our girls getting hit by bludgers.. then yeah!! we had a blast!" he was speaking for Ethan cause he was sure that Ethan would agree with him at least about the fun cause it was fun! Even though they were destined to win the cup second year in a row and it was stolen from them, but it was the puffs.. where their girls belonged.. so he had no complaints at least.. "I am just glad you girls are ok after everything today" he smiled.. he would give her a hug.. but he didnt know how sore she was so best not to hug her.
Ethan made his way over to the cupcake table and grabbed two, one for himself and one for Minnie. As he walked back, he saw Harvey in conversation with Minnie. Handing her one of the cupcakes, he resumed sitting in his seat next to her and gave Harvey a grateful smile. He was the one to help keep Ethan's sanity during the game after all.
"Good to see you again Harvs.. Nice sitting with you at the game.." And, to be honest, he was kind of glad it was over.. and now they could have fun at the party.