Text Cut: Ella and Theodore...Elladore
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Ella made her way to the party tent, stopping at the entrance and peeking inside. She smiled to herself as she saw some teammates…and lots of delicious snacks…and the banner. THAT banner was for them. It showed all their hard work and it made Ella feel so incredibly proud to be a Hufflepuff. BEAM.
Walking in, she headed towards the food as that’s what she wanted right now. Lots and lots of food. “Hi!” She said excitedly to Pao before grabbing a cupcake. Oh! Snitch cupcakes. Grin. Hair Whipper would love these, yeah?
Oh and Bliss was here and all better! BEAM! "Hey Blisss!" Bounce!
Tilting her head to the side, she spotted Oakey and smiled a little. Picking up another cupcake, she turned to Pao and gestured in Oakey’s direction. ”Be right back…I think someone needs a cupcake.”
”Here.” She said, handing her housemate the cupcake and smiling at him. ”What you did was brave, y’know.”
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As much as he was BITTER about being here, Theo decided to make an appearance cos he liked to make an appearance at most events. In case something COOL happened, ya know? Besides, he knew Ella would be there, so that was another good reason to show up.
When he finally did, wearing one of his best jumpers, he stopped at the entrance of the tent and stared wide-eyed at the few faces already there.
Harvey was still smiling for the puffs when he decided that he would at least come to the party and hang out with Ella for a little while before he left her to have fun with her puff friends, not that he didnt want to stay. Its just that.. she would probably want to hang out with them tonight rather than him. So he turned up in his best
shirt, his
Ravenclaw tie that Ella loved last time he wore it and his
jeans with the
shoes that he wore at the match. He walked upto the tent and he looked inside to see quite a few puffs inside.. well that was too be expected seeing as it was a party for them. He remembered when they had their party last term like this.. it was so much fu.. oh Theodore was there too! Might as well say Hi. He walked upto Theodore who didnt seem to be too happy to be there and decided to cheer the boy up.. "
Hey Theodore.. good to see you here, I guess you are here to support your puff friends right? Good!" he smiled at Theodore and he looked around before looking back at Theodore "
Hey! er.. that was some really good cheering that you did back there at the match, Ella probably heard you all the way from where she was. Did you see her smile at the end when she had landed.. I think she was smiling cause she heard you cheer her name. Well done Theodore!" he said giving the boy a big smile, cause he really did do some good cheering even if was for Ella but hey thats what you did for friends.. didnt he cheer for Minnie? exactly! He looked inside and saw Ella greeting her puff friends as well as having some excited chatter with some of them and basically enjoying herself.. he was happy to see this cause this was basically what he wanted to see her having alot of fun.. without him of course. But he would be making an appearance soon.. after she'd had some time with her friends.. and then the boyfriend can step in.