Elliot clicked her tongue impatiently, making her way up into the stands...it was her first Quidditch match.
You heard right.
FIRST. This year, anyways.
Through a series of unfortunate events, including being sick a few times and then having to visit home...well, she hadn't managed to make it to ANY of the games. But here she was...now...determined to come! Even if she was dying...Elliot wanted to be here. Mostly to support Bee. She didn't really care about Quidditch all that much...and sure, she was reaaaaally hoping Ravenclaw would win...but hey, as long as Beezus played well, Elliot would be...content.
Yep. That's the right word.
She didn't see anyone she knew, not really, except for Soaps and...Lex? She eyed the two of them, clearly annoyed at seeing them together. Ew. She did managed to wave to the younger girl..give her a nod...completely ignored Sophie...Merlin that girl was...