post 3 The Idea Man Kori-Kins
Laura yawned, she couldn't believe how each this maze was, she had her wand out but she had this funny feeling she wouldn't be needing it, seriously she had expected better things from this maze, she walked even further into it, trying to find the end of it, she was in one way disappointed that there didn't seem to be anything worthy of her time to hex into the next century but in the other she was a bit sad, she turned a corner and.
Laura looked at the maze there was like a load of spiders, Laura looked at them and giggled, she wasn't scared of small spiders maybe if they were massive and breathed fire then she would be scared of them, she slowly made her way though the spinders and then walked around the next corner, she just hoped she would find something worth hexing soon.
It's time for a party.