SPOILER!!: Minnie!
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After finally accidentally catching another rock Minerva went to see about catching another. She was paying attention to so that no rocks would hit her again if possible. Leaning right she missed a big one that she knew if she tired to catch in her cauldron would have taken off her head as well and she was kind of happy with that head so why risk it coming off.
As she moved down the pitch she noticed a rock that looked to be just the right size and flew faster towards it. Just getting under it in time she moved to the left and heard ping.. ping. as it fell into the cauldron. Yes I nice smaller rock was just what Minerva liked, it didn't hurt her and it was easier to get into the cauldron. She wasn't watching where she was going since she was paying more attention to the rocks and looked down just to see a broom coming close to her fast. Hurrying she tried to move left out of the way, but didn't do it fast enough and bumped into someone.
So...six rocks wasn't too shabby but it was no where near twenty-four rocks and that made Ella frown a bit. At least her eye was feeling a bit better now, that was a good thing! She was even getting used to only being able to see with one. Mhm...she was a regular old flying pirate.
As she flew towards the right side of the pitch, the fourteen year old didn't even noticed her housemate was flying dangerous close to her.
The third year's broom started to shake uncontrollably and she held on for dear life, zigzagging all over the place as she tried to regain control. The falling rocks weren't helping either, pelting her as she went along.
Her broom finally came to a stop a ways down the pitch and her green eyes were wide and frightened. She blinked several times and chewed on her lip, wondering who had run into her. She seriously hoped they were okay and hadn't hit the ground. Shudder.
Taking a deep breath, the third year tucked her hair behind her ears and debated on what to do next. She was a bit shaken up but she didn't want to quit. That wasn't her style. While she debated, she felt another heavy rock bounce off her head and then another. Meh.
...Oh and one landed right in her cauldron. Brightside?