Post 7, Rocks = 1, Total= 8 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Jory heard shouting and looked down on the ground. It was obvious someone had crashed and lost all their rocks. A young Slytherin was shouting at Alec. Jory watched as the Slytherin gave Alec a shove then took off in the air. "Really?'' he thought. "It was an accident.'' Shaking his head, the fifth year looked around for more rocks.
He zig zagged among students, occasionally rubbing his shoulders as more rocks hit him. They boy turned his eyes upward, trying not to move the cauldron much, in case the rocks fell out or something. There were a few not far from where he was. "Aha!'' Maybe he could catch all, it looked like three at least. He urged the broom forward as they rocks came down but at that moment another student cut him off as she flew directly in front of his path. Hurriedly moving to the right, Jory kept his eyes on the target but unfortunately he made it in time to catch only one.