Post #9 Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Whoah watch out!... scalding shower!
Vickers ducked his head to the side juuust in time for that burst of hot steam spewed from the firecrab, nearly dropping that cranky crustacean in the process. But he DIDN’T, and he held fast and strong around the firecrabs’ pincers, holding his arm aloft so that the creature doesn’t end up smacking its head on the ground. When the Ravenclaw finally sat himself back up he glanced back at where the hot steam landed a few feet behind him then turned to glare at the firecrab ”Now what was that for huh?“ he muttered at the creature as he slipped him back down into the empty bathing bucket. He lifted his wand and, somewhat unceremoniously, dumped the conjured water onto the creature. It was supposed to be the rinsing step after all, its not like it could drown in a downpour heh.
He dipped his hand in and turned the firecrab around. He STILL had to make sure it didn’t have any unusual cracks or dents or strange discharge coming out that missed his thorough examination the first time. But he didn’t have to be too nice to this crustacean anymore, gotta show him who’s boss right? ”Alright you’re done!” he muttered as he plucked Wilde One out of the bucket, making sure that troublesome rear was facing AWAY from him. He just allowed the crab to drip dry for a moment before walking back to its cage, and still somewhat gently (it is just a simpleton animal after all) tossed it back into its home.
He went back to the cleaning supplies and tidied up. Consciously he touched his face and part of his head—did he get burned from that steam? He needed a mirror and check himself out. With one last exasperated look at the crustacean’s corner he turned around and made his way back to the castle.