Post: 1 Rocks: 1 Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Okay, so they were only KIND of breaking the law, since the cauldrons were lighter and the rocks were charmed so they wouldn't really break anybody's bones unless they were pansies fragile. But Milton was not fragile! He was DUMB and EXCITED! Who caaaared if he had already been knocked out too many times to count that term? Not him!
Milton grinned stupidly when Vindictus' whistle pierced the air.
Milton hopped onto his broom and soared into the air, swerving around and trying to catch some rocks. And he was failing miserably. Milton grunted when one of the rocks hit his shoulder. Okay. Time to concentrate. Milton tipped his head up cautiously and saw a rock a few feet away, several feet up in the air. He zipped under it and put his head back to normal until... THUNK!
Yes! Score one for Milton!