reacting then to the greenhouses. Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Cassia was so flattered when Lex stepped in and stood up to her against that other Slytherin firstie. Though the second-year never imagined herself teaming up with a student from a different house against a fellow house-mate. But it turned out that indeed not all Slytherins were nice and cool. Cassia made a mental note of agreeing with Serenity about this because they had argued about this before.
So she stood there her arms crossed over her chest triumphantly while Lex took the responsibility of dealing with that girl. And Cassia had to give it to Lex, the girl knew how to make people shut up! Mental note to have Lex teach her some techniques because she actually was standing there not so cool. Then Alexa started listing her houses features which Cassia couldn't understand most of them but she wasn't gonna ask. She nodded absent-mindedly until the Lions-lecture was over. Then back at the other firstie. "Oh you'd be surprised of what I could do when that thing gets near me." Cassia lied putting her best effort in this certain lie. "And I changed my mind..You can't hide behind me when something bad happens." She said tipping her chin up. "I'll be busy making sure Lex is all safe and all." Ehhh..She'll try save professors if she remembers anyway.
Cassia then turned to the professors who started shooting threats. Her eyes winded hearing that and decided to drop it for now. UNLESS the girl insulted her or underestimated her. "Okay we shall go." She said obediently. After all the Professors are the real people who are going to save her if anything bad really happens.
And she followed the group to one of her least favorite places. THE GREENHOUSES.
__________________ I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such  And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours |