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Old 11-27-2012, 06:13 AM   #119 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cairo Gunter
Fifth Year
Default WHOA lol guise you should of told me this was here *pokes you two*
| Avid#JennShipper | Flowers& &Butterflies | LoverOfCupcakes

Originally Posted by Emzily View Post

Theo whizzed into the common room after hearing of its reopening. About blinking time, too. He was genuinely surprised that he hadn't gotten sick from having to sleep in a huge hall with hundreds of other kids. Especially flea-ridden Ravenclaws. Well, maybe not exactly fleas, but some sort of germ.

After retrieving his Omnioculars from the dorms, which were completely unharmed, Theodore made his way back to the common room to relax. And it was colder than usual, a more of an empty-cold. But Ariana was there, so he went and sat beside her. "Logan." Nod nod.........
she said as he was coming down the stairs down from his dorm before he sat down next to her. Ariana hadn't gone up to her room yet cause well she had nothing to go check on just her clothes & stuff which she assumed was fine and all, so really nothing to worry ab.........HER SONG BOOK!! HER SONG BOOK! HOW COULD SHE HAVE FORGOTTEN IT! she had to go make sure it was okay and that no one dumb cat has PEED on it! ugh that would be tragicccccc just TRAGIC okay!

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
And finally! Common rooms are open! Cassia squeaked and jumped up and down when hearing that. She immediately headed there and once she was able to slid into the doors she stood there taking in the whole scene. Their common room unharmed. She tried not to tear up or anything, no need to make it so emotional.

She headed to the dorms and checked that her stuff were safe and where she had left them. Not that she remembered where she left them but everything seemed to be the way it should be. Nothing suspicious. Then she went back to the common room and spotted Theo and Ariana. She made a bee line towards them and plopped herself down on the floor before them. How she missed doing this!

Then she grinned at her house-mates," Theo..Ari.err.Logan.." She was so proud of herself that she remembered to not call the fourth year by her first name. Oh she was getting smarter. "Finally we get our privacy back.." She said musing around at the surroundings. Though they weren't allowed to sleep in the dormitories just yet it still was good that they at least get to come here every now and then.
Oh and hai there Loud girl "Hey Somerlad... right?" cause ariana couldn't remember right now heh opppss sorrriiieee ANYWAY "Ugh i'm so glad to be able to come back in hereee." cause they simply could NOT hang out and be awesome together in the great hall cause you know the other houses could HEAR and they couldn't be AWESOME and sneaky that way. nope noope nope it was hard to plan the other houses demise right in front of them "we should do something!" anything ... be smart young snakehs! as long as they didn't have to leave this room. or they could she supposed but mehh Commonnn rooommm
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