Post #5 Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Swim! Swim! Swim! The firecrab was now quite content, almost forgetting about not-noisy, pale-face gorilla for a moment. But ONLY for a moment-- because now he could feel something poking at his shell. He swished his tail about and waved its crabby arms, possibly trying to HIT the bothersome intrusion. Leave him alone yeah?
Vickers couldn’t feel anything that seems to be seriously wrong with the creature, although it doesn’t seem to have been bathed properly, given the filth that was caking it. He took hold of the soft bristle brush and started scrubbing with small circular strokes. As he loosened the dirt he started to realize why it looked familiar ”Hey… you’re Elijah’s firecrab arent you?” The one grasping
tightly and nearly mutilated the Hufflepuff’s chest, not that the he didn’t deserve it anyway.
And in spite that, Vickers had to chuckle ”Did he ever name you boy? What say we call you the Wilde One?” Because if this was one creature that survived the care of one hammy Puff, he deserved an awesome name like that.