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"Me too! Me too!" Jayden shouted, hugging Elliot again before dancing around the common room and returning. "Wait, a professor? Surely it wasn't Professor Bentley, right? Riiiiight?" Professor Bentley was one of Jayden's favourite instructors. Hopefully it wasn't her otherwise she was going to freak out!
She sat down again before struggling with her knapsack. It was getting pretty worn out. She had had it for the past five years, so it was becoming time to get a new one.
"So, any big plans for the Summer Holidays?" She asked, raising a brow at Elliot.
Elliot winced a bit at the hug, but patted Jayden back, letting it slide...for now. Few people were allowed to hug her..Jayden was one of them, she supposed. Yeah, she could totally let her. Uh huh.
She shook her head..'
no..that new crazy stupid Astronomy teacher..Burbage.." she shrugged. She didn't care for that woman anyways. Thank MERLIN. "She was super annoying, though.." she shrugged.
Summer...Elliot shrugged again...
"as of now, nothing. Max and I wanted to go somewhere, but we haven't exactly planned it. I start training with father...Occlumency lessons.." she rolled her eyes.
"But yeah...I'm free the whole summer..." Ish. Did Jay want to meet up with her? Because that would be so awesome! Heh. And she might be able to get away from her father..which would be nice...
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Mick shifted his body in the chair, sitting on it sideways with his long legs hanging out, just getting comfortable. "Hey, it's okay. You can call me 'Michael' if you want." He said it calm and casual like it was nothing. After thinking it over as Elliot spoke, it really wasn't. His dad and aunt still call him Michael; he can't say the same thing about Grampi, he just likes to call him Alex for some reason (middle name reference?). "I can't control what you call me. I do prefer Mick but it's your choice."
It made him wonder, does Laura want to call him by his real first name? Would it make him a bad boyfriend if he let another girl, instead of the one he's dating, call him by that name? This is so new and confusing.
Whoa! Mick was surprised by her smile, he didn't think he ever saw Elliot smile. Maybe she did once and he wasn't paying attention. And why was he making her grin a big deal? Don't know. He smiled back and said so freely, "Laura Hyde - Hufflepuff. I mean, that's the person I told before you. Do you know her?" That would be cool if it turns out that they knew each other, maybe even are friends too.
Elliot shrugged.
"I used to be really opposed to nicknames. But I use them all the time, now. So if you want to be called Mick, then fiine..." she rolled her eyes, though. Because Michael was a beautiful name! Hmmph!
She saw his features when she smiled...and raised her eyebrows...hehe. What? Elliot COULD smile. She just USUALLY chose not to. Only when it came naturally. So..rarely. Heh.
Laura Hyde...
Elliot thought she might die...and she would have...but then she noticed his smile and just...she frowned...
"You-you go out with Laura?!" she asked, more like crieeed out, in...shock!
"B-but you seem so nice!" way too good for LAURA. Who was iNSANE (and Elliot wasn''t..insane..at all..*cough* )
"No offense. I hate her." She said bluntly, getting it out there...no need to..go around the bush about it. Her eyes narrowed, and the blue irises were fiery with ...MEEHH.