Did twin nieces count? They REALLY had to, because otherwise she'd have to bore them by making them sit by her desk making paperclip necklaces or something. Rose would be a DISASTER. Tori walked along the corridor looking smart, despite the fact that she had two sticky fingered five year olds holding her hands. Their mother had went off on a business trip and their father was supposed to look after them for three days. But then he got ill and was resting at home. So for one of the three days, they had to come into work with her. The next two were a weekend.
"Hello," Victoria said to the first woman she came across and assumed was a daycare worker. "These are my nieces, Rose and Lily." Oh no, they were doing the hair clip thing. Each of them had a hairclip, one with a lily on and one with a rose. Naturally, they teamed up and swapped hair clips every once in a while, just to confuse people who couldn't tell them apart. The only way she could herself was by looking and seeing which one was leading and talking the most. That was Rose. The shy, quiet one was Lily. Rose stepped forward and waved confidently. Shy little Lily lingered in the background, managing a tiny smile. Both of them looked around in awe, clearly aching to go and play with all these toys. Even Tori had to admit it was pretty impressive.
Last edited by CrazyMaisie; 11-25-2012 at 01:34 PM.