JBDCDJGFDXBLDUG!!!! It ate the Runes Professor!!! Run awaaaaaay!!
Originally Posted by
Umbrella Vinora
Tendrils that had been groping the floorboards of the corridor outside for any moursel of food, be it mice or dropped snacks from the students, had made their way in stealthily through the opened door at the dismissial of a lesson.
So many moving prey it would be hard to resist...oh wait...the Umbrella Vinora didn't have to resist. Now which one? The tendrils snaked across the floor, around the bags and past the small ankles of the children. Maybe he would just grab onto one of those....
But, aha! The man at the front of the room making his way to the back of the class to put away some supplies! One of the thick vines crept up against the cabinets and when he came close, yanked him to the floor. A quick shout in Norwegian was heard from the man as he was dragged out of the room. He clung onto the door frame for a mere second before another tendril whipped his fingers. Muffled yells could be heard from the hall, a few thumps and then nothing. The students remaining in the room who had all had their backs to him must have at least HEARD something.
Mr. Christianson had been another tasty snack just like the Astronomy woman.