Originally posted by Bazinga
Minerva walked into the class as always she heard the music that had played all term. Looking around she noticed she close to being one of the first ones in the room. No professor.. hmmm Min wondered what type of entrance she would do today. Walking over to the table she got something to drink and a few cookies. Now where to sit.. Looking around she smiled and went to the edge of the room where there was a nice comfy bean bag and settled in.
Smiling she looked at the other puff in the room.. "Hey Jory" She greeted him and then went to take a bite of her cookie. She opened more students would be coming in soon especially a certain claw to sit with her.
"Hey, Minerva,'' Jory replied with a smile. At the same moment Professor Cerulean entered the room. Class was about to begin.
"So, let's get this started with a little review to get your brains going...Please remember to raise your hand with your answer....Everyone please share one trait that you feel like a Superhero should possess.."
she said a she walked to the board and picked up a marker to start writing down all of the answers.
Identifying real life superheroes and filling up the posters? Jory thought that sounded fun. Right, so question. He raised his hand.
"Good leadership skills,'' he said.
"They must be able to take charge in any situation by being a good leader.''