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"Hey Elliot! Guess we can get back in then, eh?" She grinned, sitting down in a nearby chair next to Elliot. She hoped that her friend could truly see how much she cared about her. Especially after everything that had been said the day before. "So, do you know if it's just our common room that has been opened, or all of it? I noticed a change when I was walking back from Divination."
Elliot nodded, turning from Mick and winking at Jayden. "
It's nice to bloody well be back!" she cried, stroking the letters on her potions' book absentmindedly...
Divination. She scowled.
"I quit that class..it's rubbish.." she rolled her eyes.
"But yeah...I heard that others were open...Max said Gryffindor's were open..so...I tried this one just now..and it WORKED!" she smirked. "
SO glad...now I can read in front of the fireplace...sleep in my OWN bed and not in some stupid sleeping bag.." she scoffed again. Because Empress Elliot was NOT used to such...sleeping conditions. Not at alll!
She crossed her ankles and dug around in her bag for her quill and some spare parchment..right...to start a letter to home..
"Hey, Jay! Did you hear about that plant eating a professor?!" she asked, her eyes suddenly lifting up to meet hers, wide and shocked looking...hehe.
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D'oh! Mick told Laura his actual first name in private, knowing she wouldn't blab about it around school. He doesn't know Elliot well enough but he knows that she won't let that go, she's already calling him Michael. That's your own fault. "Hey, I like Mick. I think it sounds cool..." A dog's name? He figured one thing about her, she's not afraid to be blunt. Mick actually didn't mind that, he found that impressive. But still, a dog's name?
There was something about Elliot that he couldn't put his finger on...She's calling him by his true name. And she said his name sounds nice. No one has ever said that about his name before. Mick didn't think anyone would have a reason to think or say so. In all honesty, he felt that her name sounded cooler.
And now she's asking why I don't want to be called Michael...Mick briefly looked out the window next to him and sighed quietly. He didn't want to talk about why he is so adament about his nickname. He couldn't figure out why Elliot is so interested, he couldn't be that interesting. Could he? No. Mick looked back at her and decided to stall away from that topic. "Y-yeah, you and another person know my name...Her name is Laura," he replied, so innocently.
She nodded and turned back to Mick..
"I never said I DIDN'T like it, Mick. I just said it reminds me of a canine.." she smirked. And shrugged. He shouldn't be offended. Dogs/crups were nice..except HERS. Moze. Who was mean as allllll heck!
She saw his...look away. Hmm. Must be a personal reason of some sort...weird. WEIRD. She actually didn't press the subject, for ONCE, and just let him..look out the window or wherever.
Another person..Elliot flashed him a rare grin.
"Really? I feel honored that you told meeee!" she said, a bit happily..LAura? "
Oh..Laura..." she wondered...was there only ONE Laura in school?! She HAD to know..
"L-Laura who?" she asked curiously, casually, tilting her head to the side...as if this were a perfectly..normal..question..