Arithmancy Three + Final You enter the Arithmancy Classroom, hopefully with your wand, and most likely slightly unsure as to what a class based on numbers would require use of a wand for.
Professor Hadley is perched in her usual start of lesson spot, seated on the desk at the front of the room with a large wrapped box next to her. She might seem preoccupied with twirling her wand between her thumb and forefinger, but as you take your seats, she'll look up to say 'Good morning' to you.
Take your seats and lesson will begin shortly. ooc: lesson will begin in about 12 hours (or whenever I wake up tomorrow?) you know the drill. <3 Lesson Progression
* Before we break a curse, we must know what first?
* Name one curse and what it does~ Babbling Curse: makes the person babble whenever they try to speak
~ Blasting Curse, Confringo: Similar to Expulso in effects, but sometimes accompanied by fiery explosions.
~ Conjunctivitis Curse: it burns and stings the eyes of the target
~ Curse of the Bogies: gives the victim a very strong cold as well as a runny nose that may even make them collapse.
~ Ear-shrivelling Curse: causes the target's ears to shrivel up
~ Entrail-Expelling Curse: causes a person's entrails to be expelled from their body
~ Expulso curse: It causes an object to explode
~ Fiendfyre: cursed fire that is strong enough to burn anything, even Horcruxes
~ Flagrante Curse: It causes an object to emit searing heat, aka burn a person, if touched.
~ Full Body-Bind Curse: It makes your body freeze up so you can't move.
~ Gemino Curse: It is used to duplicate an object whenever it is touched.
~ Leg-Locker Curse: It locks your legs together and makes it difficult to get anywhere because you have to jump and hop from place to place
~ Lycacomia Curse: induces lycanthropy.
~ Impediment Curse: It either slows or stops an object or individual, immobilizing them for a short period of time.
~ Oppugno Jinx: It causes a person or an object to attack the victim.
~ Reductor Curse: It blasts objects into a lot of pieces when it makes contact.
~Sectumsempra: It slashes the victims even from a distance. And can also sever a body part if applied too.. perfectly ~ Silencio curse: It renders people silent
~ Slug-Vomiting Charm (Slugulus Eructo): causes the victim to burp up slugs and slime for about ten minutes
~ Thief's Curse: it's used to keep people from stealing things. Or even thinking about stealing them, but generally it's cast on actual thieves
~ Tongue-Tying Curse (Mimble wimble): prevents one's opponent or victim from being able to speak on a certain subject
~ Unforgivable Curses * What spell can tell you if this bracelet is indeed cursed?
* Casting Arithmos Revelio, to tell if an object is indeed cursed along with information about the curse; Parts of a Spell; This piece of jewelry has been giving me red irritating marks when worn. Almost like its burning my flesh. Having said that, what numbers do you think might indicate such a spell? And what spell do you think it is?"
* Knowing the Parts of the Spell, break apart the number complex and work out what each part means
* Final! RPing your way through a series of obstacles, culminating with a final encounter with the cursed bracelet.... |