A Poop * k8 *
Elliot just ignored that...HER watch was the RIGHT one..but she knew Beezus was just as hard-headed as she was...so...
She watched Beezus' reaction VERY closely...heh. She enjoyed the original...horrified look..and burst into evil, maniacal...LAUGHTER. She clutched the back of the chair, still laughing..and then when Bee saw the REAL apron she had gotten her..she felt quite pleased with herself. YES. Beezus had LOVED her gift...heh. "I know..bees...Bee...I thought Dylan might think it was cute, too..." she trailed off, her own thoughts taking over for just a moment...
Oh, right.
The baking.
That's why they had come..not to dance around in aprons. Though, granted, Elliot thought that's what aprons were REALLY made for..just to look nice in the kitchen..and to dance around in while waiting for food to be ready. She nodded. "I AM ready..but I hope you have the recipe, Beezus.."because Elliot came drastically unprepared...unless you counted the aprons as some sort of preparation...
She fingered the lace right above her waist, bouncing on the balls of her feet, waiting..she began to hum to herself.."They won't-they won't care, riiight?!" she asked, gesturing to the elves...because...well, she didn't want to hinder the food-making process in ANY way..because...well..people had to eat! She would not go down in history as the girl who burnt down Hogwarts' kitchen and all of the students starved to death because of it...
her family's history was colorful ENOUGH, thank you very much!
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |