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Mick caught a glimpse of Elliot's little reaction to (one of many) nicknames for her. Well, it's not just her, he has nicknames for everyone. He hasn't come up with a nickname for his girlfriend but he'll think of something. He started to chuckle at Elliot for not remembering his last name. "Funny, some people say it's easy to recall," he said. "DeLarge...Michael Alexander DeLarge."
Whoa! Did I just say my real name (OUT LOUD)? Oh well, people who know me were bound to find out sometime...Like if/when they come over to my home during the summer and hear everyone calling me 'Michael'. He hates that name so much, but he has learned to live with it. As long as people at school referred to him by the name he likes, it's all good.
"So now you know, Miss Popularity Queen," Mick started, in a cool tone, "what my birth name is. Up until now, only one person knows of it. Now two." Wait! Did she call me 'love'?
Delarge...DeLarge..she wondered..was he pureblood? Yeah, it WAS the first thing she thought about when introduced to someone. Meh. Kill her. It was how she was raised. She didn't care anymore if people thought that was stuck up of her...noooope.
I knew it!" she said quickly, about his real name NOT being Mick..AHA! But then she realized she might look crazy..so she coughed.
"I mean..I knew Mick couldn't be your REAL name...because it sounds like a dog's name!" she said bluntly, chuckling at herself. No offense meant..she was just being honest about her thoughts! Mick..it really did sound like a dog's naaame!
Yes..his birth name..but she tilted her head to the side in curiosity..."
Why do only TWO people know it?!" she asked..wondering..why?! Elliot LOVED her birth name..."
My whole name is Elliot Mitchell Morganzo." Yes, her middle name was male too. So...what. She loved it. All of it.
"It sounds so grand, I know. but then again..so does yours...Michael..why don't you go by that?! It sounds nice.." she nodded, leaning back in her chair and tucking her blonde hair behind her ears. Yep. She was a curious 'claw. As always.
When she wasn't being an evil closet Slytherin.