48. Unbreakable Vow “You will watch over Draco and protect him.”
“I will protect and keep an eye on him.”
“If he should be unable to complete his task you will do it.”
“I will complete his task if he is unable to carry it out himself.”
Like he wanted to be bonded to any of the Malfoys for any reason, least of all the youngest. But regardless of his desires he was indeed tied to Draco and, as he learned later on, his orders to carry out the death of one Albus Dumbledore. And unfortunately it was far more binding then even the Dark Mark engrained on his pale skin.
“Could he at least try not to get caught?” he grumbled to himself as he sulked in his personal lab. The Dark Lord certainly doesn’t need another idiotic follower that was only going to mess things up or get themselves killed. And he himself didn’t need the boy bringing him down with him.