A wild Aspen appears. Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen He nodded his head respectfully when the Historian acknowledged his answer. Now where else in the school would be using password? He listened to the others mention other places, some he already knew, others he didnt. Which got him wondering.... "Professor, what about the Faculty sleeping quarters?.. for those who arent bunking with us in our Common Rooms?" He has always wondered where the rest of those who arent looking after a particular house actually slept...
Aspen was the only one, but Vickers asking about getting into Faculty quarters made her laugh. Obviously Ravenclaws would ask questions just for the sake of asking questions, curiosity and all that, but... mostly... she figured he was asking for a more specific reason. Haha. Boys.
She didn't bother raising her hand to answer the question. She hadn't bothered answering of the other questions up until now either. "They don't NEED limited access." Shrug. "If an area needed to be truly restricted, like the Hogwarts gates, it'd be truly restricted with charms and such. Passwords just work as deterrents. Or challenges for those students that get bored." With enough time, there wasn't a password at Hogwarts that wasn't breakable in Aspen's opinion.
Professors should password protect their classes. Imagine all the students that would be left outside? hahaha!mental-cackling! |