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Old 11-18-2012, 09:31 PM   #2 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Alexa from the stands
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Was he still standing there? Really? Did he want her getting infected? She scowled up at the boy and his increasing rudeness but then Louisa got in the way and tried 'making things better'. As if. Nothing could make things better now that she saw what she did. Of all the people the disease could infect it chose her Mama Vivi. Such a terrible disease.

And just who was she calling a kid? Lex was nearly 12, that was a big number right there. Hmph! The nerve of her. Were they all trying to make her miserable?

She averted her gaze with a roll of her eyes when the two started getting all 'couple' like. Wasn't seeing Vivi enough? Now she had to stand here and watch this. she didn't. At any moment she could just walk away and pretend they both didn't exist--okay maybe not Louisa because she still needed that cologne but it would've been easy pretending Vickers didn't exist.

Oh but the girl was finally paying attention to her again, she even told him that she needed to take her back to the castle. Hear that Vick? Louisa was gonna hang with her. He could go be by himself sulking for all she cared. He didn't even have a reason to be upset. She shot the girl an incredulous look. "I most certainly do NOT! He was the one being all stupid about things. I wasn't even talking to him when he rudely butt in." Her? Feeling bad. Not even.

The next thing the girl said was her cue to leave. "Right. See you there. DON'T take him with you." He needed to calm down for awhile before he was allowed near people again. Meanie. Then she practically stormed off.

Sometimes Louisa wished they were allowed to jinx kids. Really, this badge was nothing fancy but a stupid title and a whole load of responsibility. Because Lex was STILL being rude to Vick, it would've been easier on the Ravenclaw if the kid was rude to her. Louisa could handle anything from people at this time and age. With a roll of her eyes and a little bit too hard tug of the arm, the head girl pulled the firstie along with her casting Vickers a worried look.

This shouldn't take long anyways.

It was awkward walking down to the dungeons with a striped miniskirt and painted face, but with this energetic kid getting all serious about an imaginary disease and a made-up cure, Louisa was afraid to ask if they could go change their outfits and wash their faces. She needed a cologne. Anything that smelled, it doesn't have to be a good smell even! See the plan was going perfectly... good. So far.

To give it more credibility, Louisa needed the perfect place where adding herbs and liquids wasn't so suspicious. The potions lab! She was anxious about Lafay suddenly barging in and demanding to know what kind of potions the girls were making - and Louisa could imagine the dragon lady's scary eyes boring into her if she knew it was a 'cootie sanitary cologne'. However, it was very likely that the pregnant lady was off school grounds... the last time they saw her, she was heartbreakingly sick.

"You don't have to be rude to Vickers." Obviously the Ravenclaw was not going to let this go. "He was just..." Did she know what was he on about? Nope. "... feeling sick. You need to be more considerate when people are sick." Especially if those people were named Vickers, others were not as important to Louisa. She pushed open the door and let the girl enter. "Now, don't even think about touching anything while I collect the ingredients." She was a prankster herself once, she knew how a prankster's mind worked. "One mistake on your part, I'll let you vulnerable to that thing for the rest of your life." HAH. "Just take a seat on that stool by the table and practice apologizing to my boyfriend." Please?
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