Harlan joined the small group of people already there for the funeral thing. This was saaaaaaaad. Dying was so sad. Even if it was a cat, because even if Harlan thought cat's were stupid and boring, it turned out that not everyone thought so.
Also, if any of Harlan's pets were to die she would cry. A lot. So people needed skittles.
'Hi...' Harlan said awkwardly..
'I heard about your beast- your cat dying.'
She smiled at the younger girl. Harlan wiped at her own eyes when she noticed the ickle girl crying. Must have an eyelash in her eye or somefing, Harlan didn't cry about cats.
'I'm sure your.. Barnabus had an awesome short life full of food and naps with you..' That must be ok, right? Cats didn't really do much other than sleep and eat.
'My nan can watch him now.. She died too. Just not in a common room. She wasn't even a Ravenclaw or anything, but still, they're both dead now.' Harlan rambled on, no, she was not crying or upset, not at all.