Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
HEHE. Taryn was sooooooooooo proud of Ravenclaw. She had not dyed her hair in vain, it seemed. She was MOST proud of Milton though, obviously. Coming back from missing so many matches and leading his team to victory! She glanced at a near Ravenclaw and smiled, "Thanks." She wasn't quite sure if she was being NICE with the comment, but hey, Taryn liked her hair and it didn't much matter to her if anyone else thought it was weird.
Of course Dora was interested. Taryn turned her smile to the younger girl. She was so CUTE. Taryn just wanted to buy her presents. Hehe. "Sure I can." She patted the spot beside her and motioned for Dora to scoot down so Taryn could see her hair.
Dora looked at the Gryffie consideratly before shaking her head, declining the offer. "No, next game though! I have Puff friends." So she might just go with the painted face thing.
Giving her friends a look that said she might be back for her seat later, she bounced to her feet and over to Taryn grinning, passing glances at the players in the stands and shouting cheers. They'd won!
"You gonna do this for the next match too?" The blue hair she meant. Reaching up she took off her hat and unbraided her hair.