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"Hi too." Dora stared at the girl and all her colors and paint and flags.... she approved. Even if she wasn't cheering just for Ravenclaw, the twelve year old approved of the attire. "I'm Dora."
She would have been bothered by the fact that the girl was staring at her so much but then under these circumstances she couldn't really complain. Colours were the order of the day and though she didn't care very much for the opposing team she cared about some of the people on the team and blue was her favourite colour so it all panned out.
"You wanna have half your face painted???" Yeah she hadn't given up on this yet.
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Maxwell smiled a bit as she finished painting his face, he probably looked full of house pride. "Right, cheering.." His least favorite part, he just wasn't a big fan of shouting and being loud. But eghh this was his house! his team! or as Selina had recently referred to them, his family.
"Come on Lions! We can still do this!" Could they still do this? Maxwell had faith in his team, they were all excellent players...but Ravenclaw was owning this match...he didn't want them to win, then Elliot would have bragging rights...he needed those..
Lex grinned at the boy for his effort. She could tell that he was a bit reluctant but that wasn't important. What mattered was that he actually got up and decided he would cheer. Despite the fact that they'd lost he was still being a good lion.
She got right next to him and began cheering too...just not as loud because they'd lost and she'd lost a bit of her spirit. This was rather disheartening. When she was cheering for Vivi earlier she didn't expect her team to actually
win. Granted she was happy for her Mama Vivi but...it would have been better if they'd won instead.
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“I guess We will.” Em said grinning at Lexa and reaching out to give her a little poke. “Well, I can't fly.” Em insisted. “I can't ride a bike either.” She shifted a little uncomfortabley. “Max has been helping me learn, but I still can't go high and fall off all the time.”
Whoa..so then...she was actually being serious about the whole thing??? Oh. Merlin.
"That's terrible--and you can't ride a bike either?" How was that even possible.
"Tell me...did you get into some kind of war with gravity that makes you uncoordinated beyond belief?" That was the only explanation she could think of as to why the girl wouldn't be able to do either things.
It was so strange.
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He listened as she told Ella she didnt know how she put up with him, really Alexa? wait til you get a boy of your own then you will see how amazing it is! He couldnt believe kids these days, why at this time in his first year he'd already had two girlfriends. Not that he was saying they should all go around dating all of a sudden.. just maybe understand why they did date.
He chuckled as she made a face at him "Never?" well that wasnt going to work out.. there would be someone sooner or later.. hadnt he said never again.. and BAAM! the moment he set foot in hogwarts he started dating Minnie even though he had only just met her on the train TO hogwarts. "Oh Alexa.. trust me.. when you find that right person.. it is the greatest thing in the world!" he said squeezing Ella's hand.. cause thats how he felt right about now!
He sat where she told him to.. but only until his face got painted.. after that he would be back with Ella. "Ok but not too much paint Alexa" he said even though it wouldnt matter since he was wearing blue anyways. He got ready to get painted upon hoping that Alexa would understand that he was with his girlfriend.. he cant exactly look like a tomato when he wants to spend time with his girlfriend. Then again Ella did look lovely as a tomato.. hadnt he told her that many times.
Seriously? So they would be having this talk again. Merlin. Why did people think it was fun to try convincing her that love and boyfriends were cool. Didn't they get the message? Wasn't the hint enough?
"I hate to break it to you Harvs but you're wrong." He was, he really was.
"There won;t be some kind of super fantastic boy out there." All boys were the same; candy grabbing and stupid.
"So you might as well save the speech for someone who's already crossed over to the dark side." You know...the side that fell in love.
Trying to remain in a good mood she began humming as she did his painting. No she would have stopped short of his whole page but then she felt a little bored so she painted it all.
"There you go!" BEAM. [b]"Now you're whole face looks prettiful. Nod.
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The overly zealous Gryffindor had shoved Vivi right out of the sky, and it was more than inevitable that she was going to crash into the stands. Inevitable, but yet not entirely out of her control. As soon as her broom started to drift, she pointed it right at that lovely announcer's podium.
Might as well take out a bit of the trash since she was going, right?
Vivi crashed right into the podium. Literally. Crashed. Way too fast and way too hard. Still, it was satisfying to lay people out, and when she struggled to her feet and wiped her bloody hand across her face, she was grinning broadly. "Oops. So sorry. Blame that Alice... she's a pusher." She swept out her broom in order to climb back on, accidentally sweeping poor whatever-her-name-was across the face before hopping aboard and sailing back toward the pitch.
"Good thing you had your eyes on the game or you could've been injured," she called back over her shoulder. Also... "Hey, Lex. Love the face paint."
Dear sweet pufflefudgewaste.
Vivi...and the sky...and whoooosh and crash and--- WHAAAAAA? Her first impulse was to rush over and asked if the girl had hurt Vivi on the landed but then...the landed suddenly didn't make Vivi look like the vicitim...not as much as Minnie anyway.
Then Vivi just got up and flew off--but not before complimenting her painted face. Seeeee? The paint was
good. These people just wouldn't understand.
"Thanks!" She called after her. Now back to the erm...crushed Badger...?
"Uhhh...Minnie...you okay...?"