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Old 11-17-2012, 05:29 AM   #24 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Elwood and FEELS <33
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post

She thought it meant something aswell? That was a good sign, Calista always knew she had liked this girl. It was sad that she would be leaving at the end of this term. "That's a good way to look at things Louisa, very smart of you." She smiled at the girl, watching as she took in her office and the clutter around her. She didn't want her to see her sadness or feel sad herself about leaving but she couldn't help from speak about the whole situation. "Louisa dear, I just wanted to tell you while we were here one on one how very happy I am that I got to meet you and teach you the past two years, I'm going to miss our little visits and seeing you in class." She stopped because she didn't want to make thinks awkward by her tearing up, so instead she sipped at her lemonade and looked out the window for a bit.

Seeing that the girl wasn't too wrecked by her emotions, she asked about the Common Rooms and what the status was on reopening them. "I honestly don't know, no one really does. Headmistress Truebridge has met with some of the Professors on trying to devise a plan of action but I haven't heard much of anything promising I'm afraid." She shook her head and clasped her hands on her lap. "I just hope--"

The blonde stopped speaking as a thud and a series of crashes came from outside the door. "What in Merlin's beard is happening out there?" She stood up and walked to the door.

The smile was genuine. It's not like it was the first time someone called her smart (ego boost), but people usually threw that compliment out randomly judging her by her house without taking the time to test that theory. It was different when your professor admitted that after something you said. Louisa was savoring this when the lemonade suddenly tasted sourer than it had been a second ago.

Her smile faded just a bit as the record of her life in Hogwarts played extremely fast in her head. Elwood, Lafay, Vindictus and the others (even Scabior) were the main reason she became what she is now. The thought of letting go of this safety net where people would pat her back encouragingly or take points in order to keep her at bay, was both scary and sad. "Me too..." She had to clear her throat and swallow a couple of times before she could find her usual loud voice again. "I mean I don't just open my near future to anyone," she laughed, a faint attempt to keep herself from tearing up.

The common rooms news was not very different from what Louisa already assumed or knew of. She continued to drink her lemonade as Elwood explained a bit more, the cat Cuddles had abandoned her spot at Louisa's feet and was now positioned not very far from the desk... where Galileo's perch was. Uh oh. Cautiously the girl frowned at her cat and opened her mouth to interrupt the professor and warn her. But a series of crashing noise interrupted them both.

Louisa stared for a few seconds, confused, before quickly getting to her feet and after the professor she went. "Don't eat him, Cuddles," she called out at her small cat seconds before she made it to the door.
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