Minerva looked at her fruit and picked up her wand.
Wingardium Leviosa She moved each strawberry until they were in the exact place she wanted them. She adjusted a few that she felt were not straight enough. It was going to be a nice bracelet, she was glad that Ethan made the suggestion. The reds of the strawberries was going to be very nice.
Once she had the strawberries in place she pointed her wand again and made them all stick to the necklace. Going to each Strawberry, Minerva made sure to say the spell clearly
"Epoximise". She didn't want to get it wrong. That would be horrible to be wearing the bracelet and the strawberries fall off. Once it was done she looked it over to make sure all were sticking. It looked like she had done it correctly and she smiled, placing it around her
wrist she wanted to make sure it fit and looked nice.