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Lex watched in fascination as the Ground's Keeper conjure up a dragonfly looking thing and watched it fly off. Those most have been what they called patronuses. She'd never seen one before. How did one go about making them anyway...? And why was his a dragonfly? Did you pick what kind it was...? So many questions but unfortunately this was the wrong time to go asking them.
"Who'd you inform?" She asked, looking up at him with big, curious eyes. That question she could ask because it had something to do with the matter at hand. There were only so many people who could actually do anything about any of this.
Wait whaaaaat...?
No heroics? Get out of there and leave him to possibly die?? And just why was he looking at her like that?! It wasn't like she'd go and do something stupid. Lex had to bite down on her lip to keep it from pouting. She didn't like the idea of abandoning a mission just because things got a bit wonky but she had a feeling that if she didn't agree then she'd be sent right back to the castle immediately so quite reluctantly she gave a response. "Okay...no heroics..." Though Vivi didn't seem to mind her heroics.
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Minerva gave an awkward smile.. Was she being to bossy, he was the adult, but she was just so frazzled from it all that her brain was working overtime. "I know it's all up to you Mr. Gibbins, but the more people we have to look for them, the better chance we have to hopefully find them." Yes, they had to find the animals, this was a bad dream that they had to find the happy ended to. As Minerva kept scanning the grass from anxiety, possibly nerves of the plant coming back she heard him say something else that made her look up. He was looking at Alexa, well of course, she was a bit outgoing and a first year so she wouldn't know many spells, but Min didn't know if she was faced to face with that horrid plant again if she could just run away from it. She wanted to see it possibly diced into pieces. "Whatever you need us to do Mr. Gibbins, sir." She knew that was the only way to get to stay and help.
“Professor Newlin.” He said in answer to Alexa’s question. At least he knew that she would be able sympathise with him. After all she was going through the same thing as he was. And Seb figured that the woman would want to find the culprit and destroy it, just like he did.
He glanced at the two girls and smiled grimly.
“I have never been one for violence but I gotta say, I wouldn’t mind…blasting that thing into smithereens.” He probably shouldn’t have said that in front of a couple of students, but at this point in time, he didn’t particularly care. Millie and Pepper were gone. And the thing responsible needed to pay.
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A plant was involved in the DEATH of her creatures?
If it wasn't Hogwarts, Vanora would have had a very, VERY difficult time believing that. But it was the castle, and they were her creatures, plus, she was desperate to find out what really happened to them all. How could they just die like that!? So, once the groundskeeper's patronus disappeared from off her shoulder, she made sure her little coati was safe in her office, with extra charms placed around her, before leaving the hut.
She felt really bad for the groundskeeper. At least she knew what happened to her creatures, well, she knew that they were no longer with her, but he had no idea what happened, or was happening to his.
Practically running, the creatures professor finally made it to the playground, only to stop when she was standing next to Sebastian. She offered the man a condoling smile, albeit not a very good one. "So, where do we look first?" If it was a creature killing plant, she would guess the forbidden forest. She then noticed the two girls in the playground as well and she raised her eyebrows. "Did anyone see what it looked like?"
Otherwise, they would be inspecting every blade of grass.
Seb figured that Vanora would come as soon as she got his patronus and he offered up a small smile of his own when she stood beside him. And he too was having the same thought as she was even though he didn’t know it.
“Forbidden Forest?” That’s usually where all the dangerous things lived, so it seemed the most obvious place.
It seemed to only attack those living creatures that were outside.
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Just as she was continuing to look around she heard someone and looked up. Professor Newlin had been the person he informed. Good, she needed to know that the animals in the barn could possibly be in danger. Looking between both adults Minerva's eyes traced the visual she had been seeing, since coming back into the playground. The bad memory of the plant dragging Millie wouldn't leave her head and she eyed the way it went. "Professor, it's a vine from the plant that seems to be moving different places. It's actually the second time I have seen it." She looked down at the ground hating that she didn't do something to that plant sooner when she did have the chance, but what would Professor Bentley have said, slicing a vine of a plant, just because it was around your leg. She didn't even know what kind of plant it was at the time.
"A few months ago I was at the hot springs with a friend and the same vine had wrapped around my leg. I still don't really know how I wiggled out of it's grasp." Looking down at the ground she sighed, "Alexa and I were with Millie right here when the thing crawled up my arm then smacked me across my face, it then turned on Alexa hitting her as well. Once we were distracted from the hits.. Well you know the rest.. It took Millie that way.." Minerva pointed in the direction the plant had went. Then she looked up at the professor, "Professor...do..you know.. I mean do you think.. this plant, could have.. with the Jabborknolls?" She was so hesitant with the question, but she had to know the answer. Even though most of her wanted nothing to do with the truth, because if the truth was what she thought it was then Millie could.. No.. she moved it from her mind and waited to here the outcome of what she might say as well as what they should do.
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She was beginning to think that no one had faith in her. Didn't he think she could take care of herself if the situation got kinda bad? Hmph!
The sound of footprints caught her attention. Looking up, she saw Professor Newlin. Good choice. She'd care an awful lot more about the missing animals than the Headmistress ever could. This would be just as hard on her; she was the one with a barn full of animals afterall.
Lex listened to Minnie explain everything, much better than she would've too. In all honesty all she'd seen was a vine--a very rude vine that had the nerve to slap her across the face and leave a mark. "It must be a really big plant though for it to be able to stretch all the way over here and still be unseen...either that or it stretches far--" Wait... "How far do you think it stretches???" Because this could pose a serious problem if everywhere was accessible to the thing.
Felix was left back in the Great Hall. The plant couldn't get in there...right...?
He listened as the two girls talked and he scratched the back of his neck for a moment while he thought about what particular type of plant could be doing this.
“Devils Snare is deadly but it likes the dark too much so I couldn’t imagine it coming out during the day to attack.” Merlin, it had been so long since he had studied plants. Of any kind.
“There’s Venomous Tentacula of course but I don’t think it’s tendrils can stretch that far. A hybrid maybe?” He was thinking out loud, he didn’t expect his company to answer him.
Standing around wasn’t going to get any answers though, so Seb gave himself a shake, tightened the grip on his wand and turned in the direction of the forest.
“Okay then. Let’s go.”