Thread: The Spirit Room
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Old 11-14-2012, 10:13 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

'Bring your brains and your pets...'

Those words were repeating in Spike's mind as he made his way to the Spirit Room. He felt pretty honoured that the Hogwarts' ghosts wanted to talk to the Prefects, but had no idea quite why there was a specific invite to bring their pets. It was slightly worrying, especially with the disappearances of creatures recently - the gnome in Herbology not coming back, the abraxan that just apparantly walked off... He wasn't sure that they were just coincidences.

Spike trusted the ghosts, however, and so had brought his whole entourage: Matilda was settled safely in his curls, as usual; Killy and Kranky were perched on his shoulder, the small green frogs looking alert, and wondering why their daddy wasn't tucking them in to bed right now; Sophie was being shy, and clinging to the inside pocket of Spike's robes; and Rosie was down in the greenhouses, given that she was really a plant.

"Good evening," Spike said with a smile, and a polite nod to each of the ghosts. "Lady Helena, Friar, Sir Nick." He looked around at the assembled prefects and captains. Good, he wasn't the last - though he soon stepped around the Slytherin Captain, and scooted closer to some of the others in the group to some friendlier faces.
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