Text Cut: Prof Callie :3
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She didn't drink lemonade unless she was in her office, EVER? How horrible.
"That's strange..." Elwood said aloud as she began to busy herslef with pouring the liquid into two glasses frosted ice cold with her wand. "Maybe that means something?" She said as she handed the drink to Louisa. Who knew, this wasn't a meeting for Divination subjects so she could ponder that later. "But no, darling lemondade doesn't have any none effects on Seer abilities, that I know of. My mother just used to always make it back when I lived in the States." SHe took a sip and smiled over the rim, "It's lovely though isn't it?"
Calista watched the Head Girl's cat paw at some of her belongings and then turned back to face it's owner without saying anything to it. "Oh no, Im not busy at all just takign a break from Great Hall duty. Gives us both a break from that place." she sighed. She loved her students most of them but she had to deal with those who weren't her students and boys and girls trying to sleep and live together. Stressful. THAT was not part of her job description.
Louisa's eyes were still roaming around the office, fascinated by all the books lying around. If her mom wasn't a neat freak, she would've made her bedroom drown with books instead of organizing them on the shelves looking so boring. Oh wait maybe the lemonade thing means something? She stared thoughtfully at the professor, "
Hmmm. I think it does. Oh thank you.." she accepted the glass and took a sip before moving on. "
I came to believe that nothing, nothing ever is random. Everything happens for a reason." She raised her glass, "
And my drinking lemonade in this office only could be a sign to something." Louisa enjoyed this game, so challenging and mysterious.
So both of them were taking a break from the Great Hall! That made Louisa feel even more... responsible or
related somehow. They shared the same purpose, the same break and now the same drink. "
Is there any news about the common rooms, professor? I believe it's top priority now, right?" Louisa didn't say goodbye to her bed, her wall, her dorm, her chair, their cat house! It'd be horrible if she graduated without touching them one last time. Cuddles, her cat, arrived and headed for the girl's shoes to lie down and roll on her back, exposing her tummy for some good petting. But the Ravenclaw was too focused on the topic right now so...
shoo shoo.