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Alec kind of felt the insane urge to laugh at Theo's reply. He wasn't a girl, sure, but he seemed to have a girly quality about him. Maybe it was all the nose hair whipping he had done before? But girls didn't get long nose hairs so... shrug. The incident was very Mario Brothers, now that he thought about it.
So in conclusion, Theo reminded him of Italian plumbers instead. Yeah. What a legit connection. "Erm... but... aren't hair dryers for girls?" ... Were they?
"I am so proud of you, mate," Nodnod.
... This had to be the most confusing boy in the wizarding world. Or maybe the guy was just very... manly? SNORT. "Well... what if you're seeing your... erm... parents after being away at Hogwarts for so long? And you hug them?" Hopefully the guy knew where he was going with this. ... He was... meant to be great at giving hugs! That was... one of his talents, yeah? Like noticing small details. Probably. "But... that's my superpower. Giving awesome hugs." Nodnod.
That... was a very Theoman compliment. And not that great of a compliment but he'd take it anyways. "Thanks mate!" GRIN. ... Oh. That... well... he could understand where the second year was coming from. That was the problem with being friends with a girl you liked first, yeah? Especially being really good friends with them. "Oh... that's...not great," he said, frowning slightly, "But... if you two did get together well... isn't it great knowing that you're with someone you know so well? You know, a friend. And... erm... she could like you..." There was always that possibility. Nodnod. "Yeah, I do! Anytime!" See? Bro-bonding!
... "Thanks, dude! That means a lot to me!" CUE MAJOR WIDE GRIN FACE.
And... with the way Theo was talking about this, it seemed as if the two guys were feeling the same way about girls at the same time. Who would have thought it, eh? "Wow! Erm... that's a lot of butterflies!" Dude could start up his own butterfly zoo! ... Wait, no, he had to be serious about this. "It sounds like you... really like her," Nodnod. As for him... "Yeah, yeah I get them as well. Weird feeling, isn't it?" Yeah...
Right. Theoman and his... well... dislike for Ravenclaws. Alec didn't understand that. "See? You're immediately more awesome," Although, Ravenclaws were pretty awesome but... he wasn't going to say that in front of the Slytherin. "Erm... well... apparently, it's really important that the girl knows if you like her..." This is all what Tag had told him. He, however, was dead scared about telling anyone anything. "Maybe I... erm... do you know if she likes you?"
One of his friends... one of his- NO. NO NO NO. THEODORE KINSLEY, NO. "You... you like Ri-Anya?" He was NOT going to be happy if this was true. But Theoman was a great guy so...
... this was just confusing.
Are you really accusing ME of being girly? I just caught you flipping your hair in front of a mirror."
Sheesh...... Hufflepuffs these days.
Okay - now he really was sure that Alec Summers was an idiot. "
Of course I hug my parents..." Who WOULDN'T? Unless you didn't get along with them, but Theo did just fine. His parents were cool, kinda. "
Well, I hug my mum, not really my dad. And I never hug my brother and sister, but I hug my cat." And that was that. Hey, that could be turned into some sort of song, you know. The story of Theodore's hugging antics. "
That's pretty.... lame." For a super power, he meant.
Noooooooooooo." Theo suddenly piped up, "
I am forever in the friend zone, duh!" That's right, Theodore knew all about the friend zone. He'd been doing research lately. He couldn't wait to tell Casper about this stuff, cos he was MUCH more likely to know about it. Which was only another thing that he envied his brother for, but eh, we won't go into those details any further.
Ugh.... overreaction, much? Theo rolled his eyes.
Is it..." He paused, feeling a little isolated in his problems, ".
.. is it too many butterflies?" Cos he wanted to be NORMAL, and if some butterflies were normal for preteens, then fine, but if he had TOO MANY...... Was something wrong with him? "
I do. Really, really like her." He was borderline in love with her. Though, he still loved Professor Bellaire the most. BUT OH, Alec gets butterflies, too?! Theodore nodded, all understanding-like.
YEAH - wait, really?" Theo raised an eyebrow. Since when did Alec agree that Ravenclaws were plonkers? Unless he was just agreeing to avoid an argument. Yeah, he could deal with that cos he wasn't in the mood for arguing either. "
But what if she doesn't feel the same? That's just total embarrassment." Theodore would not be able to DEAL with that kind of rejection. He'd have to leave school and move to Norway for sure. He just shrugged at his next question. Life was just full of exhausted shrugs right now. "
Maybe. I think I've made it obvious but she isn't saying anything." Meaning she just wanted to avoid the whole situation.
It was hard being a human being.
Whaaaat? Where did he get that from? "
Anya? The Gryffindor? I don't even KNOW her." Theodore didn't just get regular crushes on any old pretty girl, because he had to really KNOW them first. The boy rolled his eyes slightly, but he still wasn't going to tell him so easily. Nope, him first.