too exhausted to quote right now :D HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Alicia was excited to see everyone working and she was still saddened to hear people muttering things about not having mothers. She hadn't meant to hurt people - she she smiled a sorry smile over to everyone who had spoken.
When everyone had finished cutting their fruits she was excited to get along with the next part. The drying of the fruit. "Alright students - now I must apologize to those who I may have hurt earlier with comments," she didn't elaborate it wasn't needed "I-well, and if you don't have or want to give these to anyone you can make them for yourself...or just eat the fruit you just cut" she offered shrugging her shoulder. It was their choice if they wanted to continue or not. "those of you who don't eat all of your fruit slices we will be moving onto the next stop, drying the fruit. This is where the protective gloves and robes come into play."
She smiled and with another tap of her wand to the board the next set of instructions uncovered themselves. "Now the spell we use for this is a hot air charm" she explained and taking a sliced and very wet fruit off of the desk in front of her she flicked her ward upwards she began to speak the spell. "Aestus Aere" she spoke as she pulled her wand downward forcefully. A strong wave of heat billowed from the tip of her wand toward the kiwi slice on the table. When she felt the fruit was dry enough she flicked her wand upwards again and the heat - and the glimmering sheen of heat left the air. "Now the spell is simple it translates loosely to heat the air in latin - and is as explained a spell to heat the air around the object. If you wish to dry out your fruit slice entirely just tap the fruit" she smiled "otherwise flick your wand upwards and then down while saying the incantation and then a slight flick up with no incantation to end the spell." She smiled nodding to everyone. "Once you have dried your fruit slices to your desired location we will puncture the fruit with a small knife or not if you are simply going to be making a ring" she smiled. "If after drying your fruit you feel it is too soft you can use duro" she smiled. "After this we will be moving onto the actual making of the jewelry that is gluing spells and then the extremely fun resin-esque spells"
ooc: To everyone participating i'm sorry this response has taken so long i've been a little under the weather this week and my mom caught E. Coli so i was trying to get her back to her usual un-sick self.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |