Fantastic! Now Hannah had to figure out some sort of code puzzle thing? She hated puzzles. This was the reason why she had not attended many of these classes before. Still she knew that she did not have a choice if she wanted to impress her parents. She listened to everything that the professor had to say and made notes because she knew that she would be counting on them later.
She figured the best way to start was to use the hint that Hadley gave them. Ok here goes nothing she thought to herself! Ok so maybe it wasn't that bad after all. Something seemed to be clicking in her head anyways.
Ok so what did the rest of the letters mean? Ugh! Her moment of happiness went out the window really quick. She opened up her book and tried to make sense of everything in it, but all she managed to do was give herself a headache. Come on have to be able to figure this out. She read about ETAOIN and the laws about the letters and blah, blah, blah. So that meant that the X had to be either E, T or A...right?
She looked at her parchment and it just didn't look right because she knew for sure that D = C and she knew that there wasn't a word that spelled CE- So X could not be E. A seemed like a more common letter so she decided to give that a try.
SPOILER!!: Parchment
Hmmm... that looked better. At least you could actually make a word out of that. She used context clues to figure out what S meant. By process of elimination it had to be CAN. So that meant that S was indeed N.
Ok so now what. She didn't have enough letters solved to figure it out just yet. She decided to think about what would go with can since she was positive that can was the right word. There were only so many two letter words. It, be, so, do. What made sense with can? She decided to give be a go so that meant that C would equal B and Q would equal E.
Then she was stumped. She stared at the puzzle willing it to make sense to her. She kept looking at the first word. It started with an A and the last few words were anc...could it be. Arithmancy. She counted the letters. Merlin... it fit. She scribbled on her parchment at warp speed. So that meant that O=R, B=I, W=T, E=H, I=M and Z=Y.
Arithmancy can be what? Hard, pointless, irritating? Think Hannah. She was only missing a few letters. Then it hit her. She had it. She had actually done it. She felt so accoplished.