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Was he supposed to look scary? An eyebrow was raised.
Whoa. Seriously?
Lottie tried to remain composed. As much as she could, but he was getting on her nerves, it didn't help that he was just STANDING there, blocking everything in sight. "Of?!" Yeah, that didn't work. So, let's try this again after...breathing? "I mean, no. Because what you were just admiring is over there." Her small hand pointed at the trophy. Couldn't he just move?
Of? Of.... HMM. Milton thought about that one, looking around, but she wasn't really in the way of anything. Because he was indeed admiring the trophy from last year. Milton pursed his lips.
"Okay, fine. You have a point." And he hated when people had points.
"But you could have said please."
And with that, Milton turned back around and stood right in front of the trophy again, admiring all it's glory and shininess. OOOoooo, shiny.