Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! In the first roll of the match 7th year prefect, Kurumi Hollingberry decided to try her luck against 2nd year snake West Odessa. The boy had in previous matches for his house showed quick hand reflexes and steady aim. The stones left the players and picked up speed as the stone roll down the court. As it happened, luck wasn't with the young snake in the first roll since the red stone rolled down the course like on the wings of the firebolt where his green stone rolled in snail pace before it stopped very far from the Jack stone. The red stone had by then inched up next to the Jack stone. Gryffindor wins the first points of the match! Match standings: Slytherin 0 points Gryffindor 1 points Slytherin vs Gryffindor:
Question 2 Subject: DADA Level: Moderate (2 points) What vegetable can be used to trick a certain water dwelling demon into leaving you alone?
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