Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
A purple paper airplane, complete with the emblem of the Ministry of Magic stamped along its sides, makes its ways through the lifts and corridors of the Ministry of Magic. Reaching its destination, the interdepartmental memo comes to rest in front of its intended recipient.
When unfolded, it reads:
One, two....now four memos replied to and zooming out Recard's door making for a productive morning thus far.
After he was about to reply to a memo concerning a tip about a batch of odd brooms at Diagon Alley's Quality Quidditch Supplies shop, one with the Minister's Seal arrived giving the man cause to groan.
'What does Alexander want now?'
After reading it and sensing the urgency Armen stood up, grabbed his coat and sighed out of the room. Now who was he going to bring with him?