Originally Posted by
Skully ♥
Still giggling and slightly out of breath FROM the giggling and running, Taryn locked her arms around Milton's neck and held on tight so she wouldn't fall, when he lifted her higher and she was more secure, she loosened up so she didn't choke him.
She was TALL! Hehe.
Anyway. She wiggled the glossy magazine at him, "Teen Witch US. Evolette McKenna sent it to me. Milton. I am IN it." SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAL.
Milton flinched a little when something shiny was suddenly being waved in his face.
"Hold it stiiiiiill!" But then he heard her. Teen Witch US, the magazine. WAIT....
"You're in it?!" His eyebrows shot up and he let go of Taryn to grab the magazine and look through it. After flipping through a couple pages, he finally saw Taryn
looking hawt across a few pages. A grin spread on his face again.
"That's incredible!"