Text Cut: Alexa
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In her little moment of sadness someone was trying to be annoying. Wasn't it obvious that seeing Vivi throw the candy had quite the devastating effect on her?? WHY did someone wanna be annoying on top of all that???
But then, the voice as familiar. Looking around she spotted Harvey. Yeah. He said it. "She can throw anything she wants EXCEPT the candy! I really don't care so long as no candy is harmed in all this rubbish." and that was that. Candy was special. He needed to understand that,
Lex stared at the girl with side eyes for a moment, wondering if what she said was true but was forced to believe it when she saw her reach for the bag and throw her some. "YES!!! ThankYouThankYouThankYou!!!" She squealed before throwing everything in her mouth and sighing in satisfaction. Candy. Candy. Candy. That was all that mattered right now. Once that bit was swallowed she turned to the girl again with a greedy expression.
"I want more candyyyyyy!!!!! Can I have the whole bag?!?!? Pleaasssseee?!" What's the worse that could happen? Her climbing the outside of the stands?
"Exactly!" She shouted, agreeing fully with what Dylan was saying. Leave it to the younger ones to have the most logic. Wasting candy was like a...like a sin or something---it had to be!
He just shook his head knowing that he would get nowhere with Alexa on her love for candy, but he would have to try and get her to understand that throwing shoes and stones at people was not a good thing no matter what was the reason and she would learn that soon enough. If not he would have to teach her some things hopefully she would listen.
Text Cut: Lotus :P
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Er, no.
Lottie was not repeating herself, thank you.
"I'm sure she would." The smile on her face was entirely and completely genuine this time, because it was a fact. People liked compliments. And they should like them even more if they were coming from her.
Okay. Harvey. Ella's boyfriend. Who was not a Hufflepuff but a..., "Hey, what House are you in?" probably not Gryffindor either. Or he'd be a terrible Gryffindor. What with him supporting Hufflepuff and all.
"I'm a first year," aaaalmost a second year. She was so proud of that last bit, even if summer was a few months away. Granted, she didn't mention her House, it was rather obvious, was it not? She was wearing nothing that could give her away, though.
WHAT? What was this? The yellow Seeker got the snitch! And he won!
Well, he didn't win. Hufflepuff did. But yeah.
A small smile grew on her face. It felt odd, though. He got the snitch, and he won, and Lottie didn't even know him. That needed to change, because he could be of some help in the future, yeah?
Oh. Her eyes followed Harvey's, and then widened at the sight of whatever was going on in the Pitch. "Er, Harvey, you should probably check on your girlfriend, yes?" Merlin knows what's going on down there.
She stood, because there was nothing else she could do in the Stands now that the game was over. "I'll go, but I guess I'll see you around." She gave him a smile again, another one of those that belonged in the 'genuine' category.
He smiled and nodded as she said that she would love that, cause he knew that she would and probably would blush along the way which he always loved to see. Oh yes Lotus and Ella just HAD to meet!! He smiled as she asked him a question "
I am in Ravenclaw" though after being with Ella he had often wished that he could be a puff or at least be able to sneak into the puff common room to be with his girl instead of leaving her each night at the door. Or right now it was the Great Hall.
He smiled a little more as she said that she was a first year "
Thats good!" he then remembered how he was as a first year, being new and all and going through quite a bit. He had girlfriends and heartbreaks as well as so much else that it made his first year pass by so fast he had no idea it had passed by until summer came along and soon they were second years.
He nodded as he continued watching the pitch "
Yeah I will go in just a moment will give her time to do whatever she does after a match" like change and shower and stuff or whatever it was that she did, but yes he would go check on her soon. He looked at her as she stood up and he listened as she said that she was going now, he nodded "
Ok sure Lotus, yeah we will see each other around. See you soon yeah?" he said cause he wanted Ella and Lotus to meet some day and so they would be meeting again that was for sure!