Text Cut: Minnie and Alexa
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"Here that lion mascot roar trying to cheer on his team. Let's here you folks... Be louder then the lion. Dixon has the quaffle she is quick to head down the field. She is quickly followed by Keller who is after the prize at hand. Dixon is to fast and speeds away tossing the quaffle to Ryans, who moves further down the field. Ryans avoids colliding with biting Fisher and gets set to score, she shoots, but the singing keeper smacks the quaffle away.
Minerva heard a very unhappy Ravenclaw and turned to see Branxton yelling at the field...
"Looks like there is an unhappy claw still bitter about the Puff/Claw match.. Here dear have a gummy worm.."
Minerva tossed a gummy worm in the girls direction and hoped she wouldn't be upset over the fun.. It was just fun, wasn't it..
"And there's the snitch.. Greenwell and Summers are off.. They are coming back towards us, heads up.. They are in a dive and ICE CREAM BOY has the snitch!! Summers gets the snitch for Hufflepuff!!"
Bouncing up and down again Minerva started throwing more gummy worms into the air... She was getting to excited over this game! Minerva couldn't help but here the excitement coming from Harvey and she giggled..
"Well folks there is one Ravepuff guy who is extremely happy with the way today's game is going! Ella has the loudest cheerer here!! and Gert takes the Quaffle back in play. He heads down the field. Bishop is flying close to him, she is going to try to bump his broom. Gert passes a long pass to Kildare, Kildare catches the Quaffle and takes off. Hyde gets in his way, she seems to be taking her bat towards him, but he dodges her and moves away. Kildare passes to Keller, Keller flies down the field. He goes against Mancini, Mancini looks like he is not going to play games at this point. Keller throws, Mancini reaches, and Gryffindor scores..."
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Lex was watching the game so intently that when she saw things falling from the sky she didn't take much notice at first. It wasn't until something landed in her hair and a few guy worms fell on her lap that she got more attentive.
"WHOA raining candy!!!" They said this school was magic but she never thought it'd ever get to this! Th 11 year old squealed just a bit, grabbing the ones in her hair and throwing them in her mouth. "SUUUUUGAAARRRRR!!!" She began looking around for the source of the sugary goodness and smiled greedily when she saw that Minnie girl. "Moooore pleeeeaaassse."
Oh. Was that all?
Hadn't that bat been missing since forever? She had more than enough time to go buy a new one so what was the problem?? Of course Lex would have asked this but the last time she did she got a very unfavourable response so she decided not to.
Her eyes landed on the candy that was falling on Vivi. Even mooore!! But just before she could take one and begin munching the girl licked it and threw it back.
"Nooooooooo!!!!" Vivi! No! You can't waste it like that!!! Throw a stone--or your shoe--Merlin I don't care what you throw but NOT the candy!!!!!" Why was everyone so violent to sugar?!?! DX
Dylan beamed under his costume as he was once again mentioned by Minnie's announcement, good plublicity that was.. to show others what he was capable of! "
I am not trying.. I AM cheering them on!" he said as he danced and bounced some more as they started getting a few more scores onto the score board. He heard someone that sounded like Alexa yell about wasting candy "
Yeah!! you cant waste candy!!" he yelled out in her general direction from under his costume. After all the dancing and bouncing that he had done he was now feeling quite warm under his costume, he decided to take his head off and give himself some breathing room! He then watched as the final snitch was captured and heard that hufflepuff had won!! WHAT?!!? after all his cheering Gryffindor had lost?! how did that happen!!! he cheered alot that was supposed to make them want to win. He saw Penelope get hugged once she landed on the pitch and he forgot all that he had just thought cause he knew that she probably felt bad about them losing, he put his head back on "
ROAR!! ROAR!! ROAR!! ROAR!!" he roared out still cheering on the lions cause even though they hadnt won they had still played a good game and thats what him roaring meant!