SPOILER!!: Lauphie? XD
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Laura smiled and waved at Sophie as she came upto them. "I have huge news." Laura smiled. "Sophie I want you too do me a huge favour please." Laura would tell them in a couple of minutes but first she wanted to speak to them about something else. "I'm actually doing school work and working now for some strainge reason, I've been to the Library and the Hufflepuff Study area." Laura smiled. "I've even gain points though I have lost a few basically you shouldn't shout at a Professor because your wand is broken." Laura sighed.
Laura then blushed when she realised they would want to know her news. "Sorry got side-tracked there." Laura giggled before blurting it all out. "Basically I met this awesome guy called Mick, who is AWESOME and we well started talking and then he was awesome because he is awesome and said he would come and watch me in our next game." Laura smiled. "So basically I want you Sophie to make sure he's well looked after." Laura blushed. "He's never been to a game before." Laura would only trust her two bestie to look after him but well Ella was playing quidditch anyway. "Oh and did I say he was awesome." Laura smiled, she wanted to get that in. "Oh and I almost forgot he's a Ravenclaw and a fifthed year." Laura smiled. "He's totally awesome." Laura then stopped for breath and looked at her two besties. "Anyway how are you?" Laura casually changed the topic they didn't want to know more about Mick right?
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Sophie giggled at Ella's little dramatic scene and bounced up and down a bit. She loved it when they three of them were together to... talk! Just taaalk! It was always fun! "Does she??" The brunette turned to face Laura at the same time Ella did.
A favour? Sophie listened to what Laura had to say. What? "Of course you shouldn't shout at a professor, Laura!" She said with wide eyes. Even if your wand was broken... which sounded horrible. Sophie shivered at the thought of breaking her wand. She'd die or something. Wait, but what was the favour?
Sidetracked. Hehe. Sophie listened as the blonde continued to talk. Ohh, a boy! She raised her eyebrows as she looked at Ella while Laura kept talking about Mick. The thirteen year-old still had not idea what Laura wanted her to do. "What is it you-" Ooohhhh. "Look after him? Isn't he old enough to take care of himself?" Sophie frowned slightly and tilted her head. "You want me to spy on him??" Whaaa?
Anyway. "We need to meet him!" Sophie added, nudging Ella. A fifth year? That was good enough! And a Ravenclaw! "Maybe Harvey knows him, huh?" She said to Ella. Then she looked at the horizon. "Maybe I should find myself a Ravencalw as well..." She joked before breaking down in giggles.
Ella smiled at Laura as she talked about her new found desire to study
which totally still surprised her, btw. Honestly she was really wanting to hear her big news, especially since she was sure it involved a boy. What? It was kind of the THING to talk about these days, right?
GRINNNNN. So Laura WAS into a boy...
another boy. Ella wanted to point out that her friend was supposed to marry Oakey but figured it was a sore subject and thought it best that she keep quiet. The third year raised her eyebrows and looked back at Sophie, bouncing a bit. Heh. Just like old times.
"I um...he sounds really...awesome." YUP. Extra emphasis on the awesome and then Ella burst into a fit of giggles because Laura was pretty funny and cute when she was in love.
"Yeah!" BOUNCE.
"I demand to meet him as soon as possible." And Ella smiled, looking from Sophie to Laura. Wait! And he was a Claw? This made Ella smile even more.
"I'll have to ask Harvs if he does." Nod. Do a little background check on the guy...seemed legit. The third year started giggling again at Sophie's comment, rolling her eyes at her friend.
Oh..and speaking of that.
"Soph I um...well I talked to Mordred the other day and um..." Shuffle.
"He asked about you."