Thread: The Courtyard
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Old 11-02-2012, 08:13 PM   #668 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva walked out to the courtyard. Spring was finally here and she wanted to head out with the warmer weather. Finding a nice place to sit, Minerva placed her bag on the ground and stretched out a bit. It felt good to have the sun on her and just watch the other students. Smiling thinking about how term had gone so far, it had many ups and downs, but she wasn't expecting some of the ups, which had turned out to be amazing.

She couldn't believe how quickly term had been going. All her fifth year friends studying for their OWL's, she would even have to start thinking of final exams soon. Then her smile grew as she thought of someone special that would be studying for his OWLs she wondered if he could use any help. She would have to ask when she saw him next.
Ameliah had been roaming the grounds for a while. Finally it had gotten warmer, so Am could be able to walk around. Of course, her mind had wandered the entire time. Classes, Hogsmeade, her fear of the cold, Logan....

Eventually Ameliah spotted a very familiar colorful head and grinned. "MINNIE!" she exclaimed, rushing to hug her friend. It had been about a year since she saw the Puff. "Whatcha been uptoooo? I haven't seen you in ages!"
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